'Bachelorette' JoJo visits her final four bachelor's hometowns, it's not all kisses and roses

ByJennifer Matarese WLS logo
Tuesday, July 19, 2016

NEW YORK -- JoJo met the families of her final four guys in the their respective hometowns tonight. JoJo hit the road and headed to snowy Highlands Ranch, Colorado, to meet Chase for her first date of the night. His hometown is beautifully picturesque. He said that he is a bit intimidated by the fact that his parents have been divorced for a long time and her parents have been married for over 30 years. They started off sitting on a blanket in the freezing cold! They weren't wearing very heavy clothing for sitting in snow! He explained to her that it might be a bit of an awkward day because his parents are both going to meet her, but separately.

They took a walk through town to his beautiful house. JoJo loved the house! His dad came by first to meet JoJo. He seems like a very friendly guy who was so happy to see his son and welcomed JoJo with a welcoming hug. Chase said his dad remarried and is "doing it right" and it's admirable. Chase asked his dad why his first marriage didn't work out and he chocked it up to being away too much and he hopes that his son learns from his mistakes. They talked a lot right in front of her! Then, Chase asked to talk to his dad one-on-one. His dad seems to approve! He worries about his son getting his heart broken, but Chase told his dad, "I'm diving head on into this one."

Later she met Chase's mom, sister, brother-in-law, nephew, and step-dad. They told the family about their day, and his mom was so gracious in welcoming JoJo. He seems to have a fantastic family! JoJo had a great private talk with his mom and they really got along great! Chase and his sister talked about how they both struggle to tell romantic partners that they love them. Chase admits he has to say that he loves her soon, or it will be too late. He told his mother that he's ready to be in love and propose to JoJo, and go down that road with her. His mom said that he's been the "most amazing son and he deserves the best in life," and Chase cried!

JoJo met up with Jordan next in his hometown of Chico, California. He said he's incredibly excited for her to meet his family. They started off at a park where they went for a walk over to his high school. He went to Pleasant Valley High School and they had a big "Welcome Home" sign waiting for him! One of his favorite coaches came up as classes changed to say "hello" to the happy couple. He went by with JoJo and gave hugs and introduced her to his favorite teachers. He said he never had a serious girlfriend in high school so it was weird to walk those halls holding hands with JoJo and do some kissing in the library!

He's on his coach's board of fame, and of course so is his famous brother Aaron. It seemed to make Jordan uncomfortable when JoJo pointed out a picture of him, so they went for a walk onto the football field. When she asked him if his family talked about that issue, he told her that the topic of his brother "doesn't need to come up."

When they went over to his parents' house, she met Jordan's mom and dad, his brother Luke, and his girlfriend. Luke sat down with JoJo and said that they really miss Aaron and they don't talk about it a lot. He changed the topic to talking about Jordan and called him a man of "integrity" and said that he didn't have a lot given to him. He told JoJo that he can tell Jordan really cares about her. Luke asked Jordan if he's ready to get engaged, and Jordan said without hesitation, "yes". He said that his brother reads people really well so he's glad his brother seemed to approve. JoJo sat down with his father and he said that he was surprised to see how great they looked together and how Jordan seemed to have a "skip in his step". He said that he feels like it's a weird way to meet someone, but Jordan's strong willed and will not let the fact that they are on a TV show change him. JoJo even said that Jordan is "nobody's brother", she knows who he is. That is so important! Jordan sat down with his mother and she said that he seemed "all lit up". His mom said that this could be his destiny. She said that she's so excited and hugged him.

Once they walked outside, Jordan told her how much he loved her and she said that she wanted to say it back, but she's too scared to say it. She is worried that even if they are together in the end, what if he decides that he wants to change his mind? Jordan said that he wants to marry her and he will work at their relationship every day and he hopes that she lets him prove that.

Robby's hometown of St. Augustine, Florida, was next. He's actually hoping that JoJo will tell him that she loves him. JoJo arrived and Robby called over a horse and carriage to take them for a tour of the area. She told him that she's worried that because he just broke up with his ex-girlfriend right before the show that he might not be over that relationship just yet. JoJo said she doesn't want to fill a void in his life; she wants him to be really ready.

Later they drove to Jacksonville, to his parents' house. JoJo met his mom, dad, two sisters and two brothers. They sat down to an amazing dinner and his family seemed really interested to hear about all of the fun experiences they've had so far on the show. Everyone said that they had a great first impression of JoJo and he told his family that he is in love with her. She took the opportunity to talk to Robby's mom about his ex-girlfriend. She told him that if he's really in love, he goes in with his whole heart and she doesn't need to be worried. JoJo even told his mother that she's falling in love with him! That means, based on her previous comments that JoJo is falling in love with Jordan and Robby. His mom sat down with him and told him that there is an issue with his ex's roommate making it look like he broke up with his ex to go on the show. His mom said they know it's not true, "we know the background of it." Robby is worried that JoJo will question his honestly because this is an issue that she is concerned about.

Robby brought it up to JoJo and she started accusing him of not being honest and wanting to know the truth and he adamantly denied all of it. She couldn't understand what the ex's roommate could gain from putting that story out there. Money JoJo! These tabloids pay people for interviews and stories! How on earth does she not know that? Robby said his past relationship with "Hope" was over nine months before it was even really over. He said he ended it with a blow up fight where she actually slapped him and he doesn't want to ever speak to her again. JoJo seemed a bit unsure but left feeling much better and Robby told her again that he loves her and they kissed in the rain as she said goodbye to move on to her final hometown date.

JoJo flew off to Burnet, Texas, to meet Luke's family. A fellow Texan, JoJo seemed to be looking forward to this date. They were in the country, complete with a dirt road and all! I wonder if this is a lot more country than this city girl is used to. They arrived to a giant picnic where JoJo met Luke's entire family! She was like, "Why are there so many people here?" She met his mom, dad, sister, and 50 of his closest friends. So basically the whole town came out. JoJo said while it is amazing to see how much people love him, it's a bit overwhelming! She did great though, she wore some cowboy boots that he got for her and went around to everyone in the crowd.

Luke sat down with his mom who liked her, and later his father who he hoped to glean some pearls of wisdom from on how you know when someone is "the one". His dad said he got the overwhelming feeling of love when he was away from his mother for a short time and that's how he knew she was the one. Luke has had plenty of time away from JoJo, so we'll see if he's got those same feelings. He told his dad that he feels like he is "falling" for JoJo. His dad said that he didn't want either of them to feel "under pressure" and he wanted them to make their decisions from the heart. They are all great, but it's a bit of a sleepy visit.

After the large group of people left, they sat around with JoJo's parents and grandpa, who kidded Luke about being a terrible bowler. Luke said he had a surprise for JoJo, so he took her out for some horseback riding. They rode over to some hay bales that were set up to look like a romantic couch with a blanket. Luke sat down with her and told her how beautiful she looked all day and she fit in amazingly with everyone. He told her that seeing her in that setting was like a daydream and he told her that he wants a future with her that he's falling for her! "I want us," Luke said to JoJo! It was so heartfelt and just beautiful! She got choked up and teared up and said that she wishes she had more time with him there. He said he had one more surprise for her, so he took her to a field with a candle path to a heart made out of flower petals. He told her that his heart is hers and his heart is out there for her! He told her he was going to miss her so much after the perfect day they had together. You can tell this is a guy whose heart is fully invested in JoJo.

This was a very dramatic rose ceremony; they did it at an airport hangar. Boy, they want to get rid of the castoff right away and get on a plane to those fantasy dates! Poor JoJo said that she felt sick to her stomach over the fact that she had to go break one of these guys' hearts. She said that she planned to let Luke go. But before JoJo could start handing out roses, Luke asked her if he could talk to her. He told her that his heart was hers, but he wished that he had told her that he was in love with her. He said that it's been the only thing on his mind since she left. He said he didn't know how she felt, and with that she said that she was glad that he told her that. She gave him a quick kiss and she said of course it changes things, but is it enough? She couldn't stop crying and saying that she didn't know what to do. With that, "To Be Continued" popped up on the screen, NO! A whole week until we find out?

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