Tantrums, LLC: Helping people de-stress through destruction

Friday, February 19, 2016
Find relaxation through destruction
There are the usual ways of burning off stress, like running or yoga. But at Tantrums, LLC the motto is relaxation after devastation.

HOUSTON -- There are the usual ways of burning off stress, like running or yoga. Prepare yourself for something completely different. Welcome to the world of Tantrums, LLC where the motto is relaxation after devastation.

The business opened on December 7, 2015 on the anniversary of Pearl Harbor Day. It was purely coincidence but appropriate just the same.

Owner Shawn Baker had some stress issues of her own. She is one of the growing number of energy workers laid off in the Houston area.

"I'd go in the car and just scream, cry and scream some more," said Baker. "I try to will myself to relax."

She found her solution in an adult-sized tantrum. Now, with weapons of destruction like sledgehammers, bats and golf clubs clients go to town on their frustrations.

Baker can decorate soundproofed rooms according to customers wishes. All the doomed props were either reclaimed from heavy trash or donated.

Tantrums, LLC does not claim to be a therapist. What it does offer is a few minutes behind closed doors where customers who are often controlled by the stressors of life, get back their control.

"Do whatever you want. Beat it up. Smash it. Trash it. Step on it, whatever, I don't care," said Baker.

Sessions can be booked for five, 10 or even 15-minute session.

Women, including stay-at-home moms, are said to be trying out the concept. Baker says Tantrums, LLC is now offering corporate group packages.

"It would be good team building. Everyone bickers in the office," said Baker. "So just come in and get the lead out."