Joe and Samantha's relationship infuriates everyone on 'Bachelor in Paradise'

ByJennifer Matarese WLS logo
Tuesday, August 18, 2015

NEW YORK -- We picked right back up with Juelia talking to Samantha about what happened with Joe. Samantha and Juelia were best friends during Chris Soules' season of "The Bachelor". Jade was sitting in on the conversation to back Juelia up, but Samantha suggested that Joe sit in on the conversation to give his side so the "truth" could come out.

She suspects that Juelia blew the relationship out of proportion and that she's already on "cloud 9" with Joe. Juelia can't believe that Samantha is on his side! She said either Joe is there to talk or let's not talk at all.

Clare can't believe that Samantha did that to Juelia as her friend. Samantha then ran to Joe and told him everything that Juelia said and of course Joe played it off and just started kissing her. It's just gross. Tanner suspects that Samantha is in on the whole talking before "Paradise" and someone even saw a text from Sam telling him to "do whatever it takes" to stay on the show until she could arrive. Jared says he doesn't want to confront him with Tanner because he likes him, but admits that the truth needs to come out. Jared says that he lied to his face! Samantha keeps telling Tanner and Joe and the crew to wait outside so she can talk to Joe.

Samantha sits down for an interview and she told them that she didn't talk to Joe. She says it was a little bit of talking on social media and a few texts and that was it, no plotting. Then she runs back to Joe to tell him what she said so that he can get his story straight. Then Samantha noticed the camera and shut the door. Ahem, you are still wearing a microphone geniuses.

Ashley S. is sitting around and getting upset about Dan. Meantime, Amber showed up! She is from Chris' season too! She has her eyes set on Dan, and that's bad news for Ashley S. who thinks that Amber is her friend. She asks Dan out and he asks to talk to Amber first before he accepts. Ashley S. thinks it's really awkward but is waiting to hear what Dan says. He tells Amber that he wants to talk to Ashley first and he says he's really flattered that she asked him. So, he pulls Ashley S. aside and tells her that he wants to go out with Amber. Ashley S. tells him that he's avoided her all day. Then she tells him that she's mad that he's "such a man" but he's been such a man all day except to her. He confusingly told her that he still has feelings for her.

Remember that JJ is off on a date with Megan? He boarded a yacht and is hanging out and getting to know her. Megan says that she really likes him because he makes her laugh. Then, they jumped on a jet ski and had some fun time in the water and going through some rock formations. They really had a great time together! Back on the boat, they cozied up and JJ said that he's probably going to give her his rose.

Dan got ready for his date and he looked great, which really made Ashley S. feel awful. She said that she has very strong feelings and he has none. She's upset that he hasn't even really been a good friend to her. That's a great observation Ashley S. The person you are with should be your friend and care about you! As Ashley S. spoke to Juelia about her sorrows, they watched Samantha and Joe make out in the ocean. They hugged and realized that they were each other's "real friends".

Dan and Amber went out on their date where they went to explore Puerto Vallarta. They did a lot of walking and talking where the locals urged them to kiss when they saw them being followed by cameras. They obliged! They kept kissing as fireworks went off in the sky! They talked about watching each other's seasons and Amber admitted that while watching his season and rating all of the guys, she gave him a "double star". They did a lot of slurpee kissing during dinner. Back at the beach, Ashley S. is playing with crabs. Poor Ashley S. everyone thinks that she's crazy, but I think maybe she's just a little under appreciated.

Tanner and Jared bring JJ into the loop on how Joe and Samantha had been communicating before the show started and just how bad they feel for Juelia. JJ wants Joe to give Juelia the rose and then leave the show. I doubt that's going to happen! JJ goes to talk to an unreceptive Joe who tried to explain that he just had a better connection with Samantha over Juelia. The guy just doesn't get it. Doesn't this situation just make you love JJ? Then, Joe tries to say that he didn't even know Samantha was going to be there! Even Jared can't believe that he likes JJ way better than Joe at this point. JJ and Joe are in each other's face and Joe tells unemployed JJ to get a job and then JJ starts yelling for Joe to get back there and fight him.

Next week, Jared admits to Ashley I. that he's still not over Kaitlyn. She apparently calls Kaitlyn to cry to her about it! The Joe and Samantha drama will continue and we'll see what happens with him and JJ. Apparently Ashley I. asks for a fantasy suite date and she might regret it. One thing is for sure, there's still a LOT of drama ahead!

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