SPONSORED: Consulting company Trinal talks equity in workforce hiring policy development

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Monday, December 20, 2021
SPONSORED: Consulting company Trinal talks hiring policy development
Trinal is a professional service and business management consulting frim specializing in procurement and workforce hiring policy development.

CHICAGO (WLS) -- Trinal is a professional service and business management consulting company specializing in procurement and workforce hiring policy development. It also focuses on implementation and diversity economic development, monitoring and reporting.

Trinal provides a wide range of services, including its proprietary software solution, to assist clients in both the private and public sector with development, facilitation, implementation, monitoring and reporting of their procurement and workforce hiring policies and diversity/economic development initiatives.

Trinal provides timely and professional services and seeks to ensure that the client's best interests are considered foremost. Working with our clients, they strive to develop programs that represent best practices and commitments and initiatives that cannot only be validated, but that can also be proudly supported by our clients. For more information visit: https://www.trinalinc.com/.