Naked man chases schoolgirls through Northern California streets

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Saturday, February 22, 2020
Naked man chases schoolgirls through streets of Fresno
Police say 27-year-old Joshua Mankini saw a teenage girl walking to school and snuck up behind her, then grabbed her and pulled her to the ground.

FRESNO, Calif. -- Friday morning seemed to start as an ordinary day for two teenage girls.

Both of them were walking with their backpacks near Princeton and Harvard in Fresno, heading to a Central Unified school.

But that stroll to campus took a frightening turn, when a naked man came running and got behind the last high schooler hidden by a van.

Fresno Police say that girl screamed after 27-year-old Joshua Mankini grabbed and pulled her to the ground.

Surveillance video shows her seconds later getting up and taking off.

Mankini is accused of sneaking out of his group home through a bedroom window.

Neighbor Steve Alarcon was left stunned watching the footage.

"That's your biggest fear as a parent right there, that's your biggest fear," he says. "That's scary scary."

And what's even scarier is after the girls hopped into this nearby car, driven by a parent, for help, Mankini, according to police, went up to the vehicle and pounded on the windows.

You then see him running back to the home he broke out of completely unclothed as the car followed him.

Central High school officials sent an email to parents informing them of what happened.

In it, they reminded "students continue to travel with one or more trusted friends and stay in well-lit and well-traveled public places."

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