New Secret Service Allegations Disappoint Obama

Friday, March 13, 2015

President Obama is "disappointed" by the latest allegations of U.S. Secret Service misconduct, but retains confidence in his new director, Joe Clancy, to lead an overhaul of the agency, a White House spokesman said today.

The president was informed earlier this week -- five days after the incident -- that two senior agents on his protective detail had allegedly driven while under the influence of alcohol, collided with a White House barricade and left the scene undisciplined, administration and Capitol Hill sources confirmed to ABC News. The agents, Mark Connolly and George Ogilvie, have been reassigned while the investigation is pending, according to Secret Service.

The Department of Homeland Security Inspector General says it is reviewing the March 4 incident, which took place at the southeast entrance to the White House complex at 15th Street and E Street in downtown Washington, D.C. No one was charged and no police reports were filed.

ABC News has learned that the agents, who had possibly been drinking alcohol and driving in a government vehicle, drove through crime scene tape that was set up at that location from an earlier investigation of a suspicious package. The vehicle collided with an orange plastic barrel but sustained no damage, sources said. Multiple sources insisted there was no "crash," but that the behavior was suspicious enough to raise concerns of uniformed officers on the scene.

"Apparently two agents who have supervisory roles had been at a retirement party, and they left that party and went to the White House in a vehicle, in a Secret Service vehicle, and when they got to the entrance of the White House, they apparently flashed their badges or whatever, and it was obvious the guards that were there, that they may have been a bit impaired," Rep. Elijah Cummings, D-Md., the ranking Democrat on the House Oversight Committee, told ABC News.

"They went on to go through what was then an active crime scene investigation," Cummings said.

When uniformed officers confronted the agents, a supervisor ordered them to let the agents go without charge, government sources said. The supervisor is still on the job, House Oversight Committee Chairman Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, told ABC News. Unlike the agents in the car, the supervisor has not been reassigned pending the investigation.

The episode is the first major test for Clancy, a Secret Service veteran who assumed the post last month, tasked with fundamentally transforming the culture and image of the agency.

"Director Clancy has shown a commitment to addressing the issues" raised by the incident, White House spokesman Eric Schultz said. "That includes implementing structural reforms."

"Nobody has higher standards for the Secret Service than Director Clancy," Schultz added.

ABC News' Devin Dwyer, Josh Margolin, Pierre Thomas, Jack Cloherty and Mary Bruce contributed to this report.

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