Metra works with Amtrak to improve commute, adds new rail cars

Thursday, March 21, 2019
Metra works with Amtrak to improve commute, upgrades rail cars
Metra plans to meet with Amtrak to discuss how to prevent February 28 Union Station mess, which delayed riders for hours, from happening again. Metra also adding 400 new rail cars.

CHICAGO -- Metra officials are calling out Amtrak, saying the rail company is affecting their brand after last month's Union Station mess.

Amtrak was conducting a service upgrade during the February 28 morning rush when a technician fell on a circuit board with a live wire.

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More than 60,000 Metra riders were delayed for hours.

Metra is meeting with Amtrak officials in the next two weeks to talk about how to prevent that from happening in the future.

RELATED: Metra's reverse-commute service offers express trains between Chicago, Lake Forest

In the meantime, Metra is moving forward with plans to add up to 400 new rail cars.

They will have arm rests, cup holders, and possibly heated floors and USB ports.