"All of us in the band kind of realized we need to do the best we can to maintain our earth and keep it beautiful and keep it healthy for future generations," said Eric Fink.
The band recorded its first CD using some renewable energy and recycled materials for packaging. For its latest recording, the members decided to up the ante.
Todd Fink explained, "This album we were able to record at a studio called The Aldo Leopold Legacy Center and it's actually the first certified carbon neutral building. We're going to have it manufactured using wind energy at a farm in Minnesota. We'll also package it with 100% recycled materials and reproduce our artworks with soy inks. It'll even be shrinkwrapped in 100% biodegradable corn cellulose."
As with the first CD, ten trees will be planted to offset the carbon emissions of shipping and handling. Band members hope their efforts will inspire others to give more thought to finding ways to make even their pastimes -- green.
"I think that's what it's about in this green movement," said Eric Fink. "It's not about a competition. It's about doing the best you can and do what you can."
The band's tour bus runs on biodiesel fuel. The group is planning to convert the engine even further so it will run on recycled vegetable oil.