Girlfriends: Sneaky Uses for Every Day Objects

That's why he has come up with what he calls "sneaky uses for everyday household objects."

"Necessity is the mother of invention," he says. "When times are hard economically, it's time to get creative and make the most out of what we have."

Tymony shows people how to turn everyday objects and discarded leftover objects from around the house into valuable tools, toys, and devices that can save replace the need for new products, can save people money and reduce and even avoid needless expense.

Tymony is a real-life MacGyver and has been compared to Mr. Gadget, Maxwell Smart, a mad scientist or a modern day scientific wizard -- only he's the real thing. In grade school, he defended himself against school bullies with the help of a spring loaded shocker hidden up his sleeve. As an adult, he teaches and dazzles people of all ages everywhere with the remarkable demonstrations of ingenuity, imagination and creativity.

"People often take for granted the common items and devices they use in everyday life," the inventor says. "Looks can be deceiving. It's not what things appear to be, it's what they can become."

Tymony says there are "sneaky" ways to save money and re-use discards. You can:

turn milk into plastic
twist a screw so that any FM radio can eavesdrop on aircraft broadcasts
make a radio from a penny
reveal counterfeit currency
learn how to make alternative energy
make a boomerang with a bookmark
turn a TV tray into a 6-foot robot
make a boat out of milk cartons
find out how POWs made an airplane out of sleeping bags
Turn holiday cards and gift boxes into boomerangs and toy gliders
Turn used gift wrap into a Frisbee
Adapt a portable AM/FM radio into an aircraft radio receiver
Hide and Sneak: Sneaky ways to secure your valuables
Convert old party cups into sneaky calculators for kids
Turn chip cans and a radio-controlled car into a sneaky robot/meal tray
Use holiday odds and ends to make a 007 'Gadget Jacket'
Make an Eco Hat and 'Green' Snack kits to conserve consumables
Make a magical levitating photo display
Use toy walkie-talkies and RC cars into intercoms and room security alarms
Adapt large gift boxes into a Sneaky Robot Recycle Bin

For free access to nine Sneaky Uses how-to projects for Recycling, Reuse, Rethinking, and Energy Usage: visit

For more information visit

More about Cy Tymony

By reading comic books and studying science as a young boy he amazed his friends with unusual scientific projects, demonstrations and ideas. He is trained in auto mechanics, electronics, video and audio technology and computer science and has taken courses in martial arts, security and survival techniques. For decades has focused his enthusiasm, creativity and imagination on educating people of all ages and walks of life. He is the author of the Sneaky Uses for Everyday Things book series. With a childlike enthusiasm for science and technology, His Sneaky Uses books explore the delight of finding. The first three Sneaky Uses books have sold over 150,000 copies. Their theme is: You can do more than what you think with what you have.

"At no time in history has improving science resourcefulness been more important than it is today," the inventor says. "But learning science should be an adventure, not to memorize and pass a test."

The Books:

Sneaky Uses for Everyday Things 2003
Sneakier Uses for Everyday Things 2005
Sneakiest Uses for Everyday Things 2007
The Sneaky Book for Boys 2008
The Sneaky Book for Girls 2008
Sneaky GREEN Uses for Everyday Things (to be published in 2009)
Sneaky Science & Magic Tricks (to be published in 2009)

For more information on the book: or

Tymony will appear in episodes of the upcoming PBS series special Make airing nationwide, starting January 2009. Make calls itself the DIY series for a new generation. It celebrates "Makers: the inventors, artists, geeks and just plain everyday folks who mix new and old technology to create new-fangled marvels." The series encourages everyone to "invent, revent, recycle, up-cycle, and act up." Based on the popular Make: magazine, each half-hour episode inspires millions to think, create, and, well, make. For a preview, visit http://Makezine.TV

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