Jaclyn makes a play for Jared on 'Bachelor in Paradise'

ByJennifer Matarese WLS logo
Tuesday, September 1, 2015

NEW YORK -- The show started with Juelia getting stung by a jelly fish! That is so painful! Tenley proved that she's a real friend and peed on Juelia's foot.

They had to maneuver a bit to get her foot in the right position, but Juelia confirmed that the pee felt really good on the jelly fish sting.

After that bit of fun, it was time to get back into the drama of the show. Chelsie was talking to Dan a bit and getting to know him at Carly's suggestion. Carly, Jared, Mikey and Kirk all want Chelsie to ask Dan out on the date, but then she asked Nick to go talk! She decided to ask Nick and Nick accepted. There goes the get rid of Samantha plan!

Ashley S. was acting ridiculous the night before and yelling at the girls about different things and even tried to put lipstick on someone. Nick decided to tell Ashley S. that he accepted a date from Chelsie. Poor Ashley, she knows what's coming. Nick insulted her and told her that she drank a lot last night and that she "smells like a brewery" to which she said, "thank you". She told him that she didn't see a future with him either and there you have it. Ashley was let down again! She was upset that he refused to give her 10 minutes to get ready to talk to him and then during their talk he insulted her smell and appearance.

Tenley and Joshua were lovey dovey the next morning and she says he's everything she's looking for. Kirk and Carly are also still doing really well and seem to be all about each other.

Mackenzie walked into paradise and Ashley I. was really excited because they were good friends during Chris Soules' season. She has a young son named Kale and she's also really young at just 22 years old. Ashley told Mackenzie that she should ask out Justin maybe because he has a child also.

Chelsie and Nick set sail on a yacht for their date. After applying some sunscreen (ahem...Justin!) they jumped in the water and did some swimming. Once they were back aboard the boat, they went past the area where the rest of their friends are staying. Nick told Chelsie all about how he was talking to Samantha before he came on the show. He said that he likes Chelsie but he's not sure he's romantically into her because he's still hung up on Samantha. Sheesh who isn't?

Mackenzie decided to talk to Justin and see if she might want to ask him on a date. They chatted about their kids and she thought it was nice to talk to someone who has a love for someone greater than themselves. She also went and spoke to Dan for a bit, but then quickly returned to Justin and asked him out. He said yes and Amber was bummed because she's worried she won't get a rose. She wasn't interested in him at all the day before, but now that a rose is up for grabs, she wants to keep him for herself!

Jaclyn Swartz showed up and she's hoping that the guys there are bored of the other girls and she wants to stir things up. The girls are all concerned about her because Jaclyn has a reputation for being a tough girl. She walked in with a date card and decided to chat with everyone first before asking someone out, but she doesn't care if they are single or attached.

Then it was time for Mackenzie and Justin's date. Their guide who spoke only Spanish had them both strip down to their skivvies as smoke and incense flowed around them. It was supposed to be a spiritual experience of sorts. They rubbed mud all over each other. Mackenzie couldn't understand that the guide told them to rub the mud in a circle on each other's backs and she just slathered his back all over with goopy mud. Then they washed the mud off with a sponge and it was a little awkward for Mackenzie, but she said she was having fun! The guy started blowing in a seashell, lit a goblet on fire and they tied themselves up in a rope and put on some flower wreaths. Apparently, the guide performed a marriage ceremony!

When they returned from their date, Mackenzie thought they were really married! Justin was completely freaked out by that! He says that they went through the honeymoon phase quick and then reality set in. He said he wants to find someone to "divorce" them!

Jaclyn said they may as well have called the show "Kaitlyn's rejects"! Ha! She said it's slim pickings and she still doesn't know what to do with her date card. She decides to go talk to Jared and learn more about him, and Ashley I. does not want any of that! She does not want to lose her man! So, Ashley I. decides to go off and find Chris Harrison so she can ask him for a fantasy date card. While she's away talking to Chris Harrison, Jaclyn is making her move on Jared. Chris Harrison handed over a fantasy suite date card to Ashley and she rushed back, just as Jaclyn said, "Well what if I asked you on a date?" He said, "Well..." and then before he could answer Ashley swooped in and asked him out. He said yes!

Jaclyn was left standing with a date card in her hand. Ashley I. said that she would consider losing her virginity to Jared. Jared seemed unsure if he would want to take their relationship that far. Will they or won't they? We'll have to wait until next week to see! Meantime, the rest of the couples still standing will also get fantasy dates. So will they stay together or break-up? One thing is for certain, an engagement is in the future for one of the couples!

On "After Paradise" one notable thing happened: Chris Bukowski showed up and said that he was "retiring" from reality TV. Say it isn't so?! I find that guy so entertaining! They also did a mock jersey retirement. Ashley I. and Jaclyn talked about their "almost" love triangle and nothing eventful happened with that.

Also, Samantha wanted to come out and explain herself without Jenny (Chris' cohost) on the stage. I mean, come on Samantha! If you don't have anything to hide, then what does it matter if she is on stage? Apparently Jenny had some not-so-nice things to say about Samantha on Twitter. I have no idea if anything Samantha said is true or untrue. After a commercial break, Jenny came back out on stage and said, "Sorry, I have to weigh in on this" and she started to question Samantha about how she could date someone her friend was interested in. Samantha sort of skirted around the issue. Also, Joe sent Chris Harrison a leather-bound book of 400+ texts between Samantha and him. But Chris Harrison never really said exactly what was in there or if it is very incriminating for her. The conversation just went round and round. Samantha did say that she wished she had been honest about the texts from the start.

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