Pledge fulfilled: Officers escort son of fallen policeman to first day of Kindergarten

ByJohn Clark WLS logo
Monday, August 19, 2019
Florida officers take boy to first day of Kindergarten after his father dies from cancer
The first day of Kindergarten can be difficult enough. But for a little boy in Florida who recently lost his father to cancer, help came on that first day -- in uniform.

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. -- The first day of Kindergarten can be difficult enough. But for a little boy in Florida who recently lost his father to cancer, help came in uniform on that first day.

A group of officers from the West Palm Beach Police Department escorted for Jake Nealy to Crystal Lakes Elementary School in Boynton Beach. And it was a labor of love for those men in blue.

"We had the honor to walk Jake Nealy into school for his first day of Kindergarten," the police department posted on its Facebook page. "Jake's father, Sergeant Bill Nealy, was an 11 year veteran with our department who passed away last year. Sergeant Nealy's wish was for us to be there for Jake at his first day of school," the post continued.

And so they were. Giving Jake high-fives, and telling him to "crush it!" They even stood by as he met his teacher for the first time and practiced writing his name for her.

Jake himself was beaming from ear to ear about the guys who made this special day even more special, telling them proudly: "I want to say thank you for bringing me on my first day of school!"

The officers say they plan on stopping by the school to have lunch with Jake from time to time, and some even hope to be there for him when he graduates.

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