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New York farm forced to kill 100K ducks amid bird flu outbreak
Despite the havoc it is wreaking on the farm, health officials say the risk of the public getting sick is minimal.
Bear devours ducklings during kid's birthday party at zoo | VIDEO
Ducklings rescued from sewer drain in west suburbs
Man helping ducks cross busy street killed by driver: Police
Birdwatchers flock to WI park for glimpse of rarely seen Mandarin duck
The Big Duck enjoys top billing as a quirky roadside attraction
TX woman sued $250K by HOA for feeding ducks near her home
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Angry goose chases down unsuspecting neighbors to protect ducks
Pet duck helps find body of missing woman; granddaughter charged
65,000+ rubber ducks race in Chicago Ducky Derby
Meet Forky the Duck
Beijing Bargain: $45 Peking duck feast
Rare duck spotted in Central Park with plastic stuck on beak
Smart duck fetches little boy's lost sandal
60,000+ rubber ducks race in Chicago Ducky Derby
Duck does its best to wake up sleepy Golden Retriever
Firefighter uses YouTube duck calls to rescue ducklings
60,000+ rubber ducks to race in Chicago Ducky Derby
Animal rights activist says he was almost killed while protesting at duck farm
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Bear devours ducklings during kid's birthday party at zoo | VIDEO
Ducklings rescued from sewer drain in west suburbs
Man helping ducks cross busy street killed by driver: Police
Birdwatchers flock to WI park for glimpse of rarely seen Mandarin duck
The Big Duck enjoys top billing as a quirky roadside attraction
TX woman sued $250K by HOA for feeding ducks near her home
Angry goose chases down unsuspecting neighbors to protect ducks
Pet duck helps find body of missing woman; granddaughter charged
65,000+ rubber ducks race in Chicago Ducky Derby
Meet Forky the Duck
Beijing Bargain: $45 Peking duck feast
Rare duck spotted in Central Park with plastic stuck on beak
Smart duck fetches little boy's lost sandal
60,000+ rubber ducks race in Chicago Ducky Derby
Duck does its best to wake up sleepy Golden Retriever
Firefighter uses YouTube duck calls to rescue ducklings
60,000+ rubber ducks to race in Chicago Ducky Derby
Animal rights activist says he was almost killed while protesting at duck farm
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