Unlock the past: Explore 19th century mansions, historic homes

Friday, May 10, 2024
GALVESTON HISTORY: Explore 19th century mansions, historic homes
Galveston tour takes visitors inside 19th century mansions and homes that are often closed to the public.

GALVESTON, Texas -- Visitors have a chance to explore Galveston's rich history through its architecture.

"People love to come down and walk through the houses," Will Wright of Galveston Historical Foundation said.

The foundation runs Historic Homes Tour, which is held annually during the first two weekends of May.

The tour gives people an opportunity to step inside these private residencies that are often closed to the public. A few of the homes were built in the 19th century and work has been done to preserve its history.

"It's great to always look back at the past and keep things as they were so we can go back and see it, and enjoy the details," Homeowner Julie Lee said.

This year marks the tour's 50th anniversary. Tickets are available online.

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