Watch what happens to your luggage after you check in at the airport

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Thursday, August 20, 2015
Ever wonder what happens to your luggage when you leave it at check-in at the airport? A new video shows how your bags and up at their final destination.
Amsterdam Airport Schiphol/YouTube

Have you ever wondered what exactly happens to your suitcase after you leave it at check-in? A new video shows the crazy ride your suitcases take on their way to your final destination.

Amsterdam Airport Schipol processed and transported 180,000 suitcases per day during the holiday season. The video provides a 360 view of a suitcase as it travels through a labyrinth of conveyor belts before ending up at its intended destination.

Luggage at Schipol travels through a "65-km-long labyrinth of conveyor belts across a space the size of 16 soccer fields," according to Quartz.