Extreme bridal makeover: Prenuptial cosmetic procedures on the rise

May 21, 2013 (CHICAGO)

Younger women from all backgrounds are now adding cosmetic and surgical procedures to their wedding planning budget.

It's a trend that keeps growing. But there's much to consider before saying "I do."

For 31-year-old Amanda Rockey, the perfect wedding required some prenuptial plastic surgery.

"I'm just so happy I did it," said Rockey. "I wanted to wear the strapless gown."

For Whitney Reynolds, wedding bells meant stepping up her routine cosmetic maintenance seven months before the big day.

"It's amazing how these little things can make a big difference," said Reynolds.

Once upon a time, it was just about the dress, the hair and a manicure.

But with science on their side, more women are now budgeting for cosmetic treatments to get their picture perfect look.

"I wasn't worried about being vain, you know, I knew I had to do it for me," said Rockey.

Weight issues plagued Amanda Rockey. Years ago she took action, and underwent gastric bypass.

She successfully lost 240 pounds, but was left with severely sagging skin.

A year before the wedding, oak park plastic surgeon Lisa Peters performed a lower body and an arm lift.

"This part has faded really well," said Peters.

Rockey- now a new mom- is still thrilled with her results.

Dr. Peters says reduced recovery times and advances in techniques have more brides asking for cosmetic surgery, which tend to be reasonable and well-thought out fixes.

However, there are some red flags: Are you searching for perfection with an unrealistic laundry list of surgeries? Is the surgery your idea or someone else's?

"Patients who do the surgery for themselves are much more likely to be happy with the results than someone who does it for someone else," said Dr. Peters.

According to the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, weddings are the No. 1 special event women cited as the reason for an aesthetic procedure.

Nose jobs, eye lifts and facelifts top the list of surgical fixes.

"The idea of getting married allows for taking care of that one nagging thing," said Chicago plastic surgeon Julius Few.

But it's the little-to-no down-time treatments that are really in high demand.

Topping the non-surgical fixes: Botox, hyaluronic acid and chemical peels.

For a natural, non-drastic look, Dr. Few recommends three things: Botox, a little bit of filler for lines, and a chemical peel or facial.

"Its a one, two, three. You can really create a really nice, glowing look," said Dr. Few.

Reynolds, who is not even 30 years old, is hoping to buff away sun damage with a small amount of Botox, laser therapy, and a microdermabrasion treatment called Silkpeel.

"Changing what God gave me is not for me, but maintaining it is," said Reynolds.

Cosmetic surgery still carries risks that need to be carefully considered.

No woman should feel pressured to do something that makes them uncomfortable. All brides are beautiful, no matter what they choose to do leading up to their big day.

American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

Dr. Lisa Peters
Plastic Surgeon

Dr. Julius Few
Plastic Surgeon
The Few Institute

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