Bees swarm light pole on Michigan Ave.

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Monday, June 6, 2016

CHICAGO (WLS) -- A swarm of bees created quite a buzz along Michigan Avenue Monday afternoon.

Thousands of them swarmed a light pole, right next to a Divvy station at Michigan and Madison.

The bees then spread their wings to some bikes nearby.

Jana Kinsman of Bike-a-Bee eventually showed up to remove the bees, loaded them into a portable hive and took them to a farm.

She removed the bees and put them into an empty hive and drove them to The Plant which has a rooftop apiary in the Back of the Yards.

Kinsman said the bees swarmed to the pole because they probably have a hive nearby. At this time of year, they are trying to reproduce so the old queen leaves the hive and some bees go with her.

Kinsman said they probably used this location as a resting spot while other bees find a new place to live.

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