School suspends 5-year-old over bubble gun

Thursday, May 19, 2016
Kindergartner suspended for bubble gun
This bubble gun cost a 5-year-old girl time at school

BRIGHTON, Colo. -- "Really, I'm in shock."

It's a phone call that certainly burst the bubble of a mother in Colorado.

Her 5-year-old daughter was being suspended for the day for bringing a gun to school...a bubble gun, according to KDVR-TV.

"It's clear and blue and yellow on the inside and it's got a 'Frozen' princess bubble bottle attached to it," Emma says.

Emma asked we do not show her or her daughter on camera to protect their identities.

"I said, you know, could we have a warning maybe? It blows bubbles..."

The district says guns are a potential safety concern and a classroom distraction.

The school district sent a statement which reads:

"This suspension is consistent with our district policy as well as how southeast has handled similar situations...where students have brought items such as Nerf guns to school and also received one-day suspensions."