Chad's confrontations reach a new level on 'The Bachelorette', JoJo is not happy

ByJennifer Matarese WLS logo
Wednesday, June 8, 2016

NEW YORK -- Part two of the two-day "Bachelorette" saga with Chad began with him walking back into the room full of guys and him saying that he wasn't there to start issues with anyone. He again asked Evan to leave him alone. Evan asked him for a new shirt and an apology and Chad agreed to give him 20 bucks. But then they bickered about who pushed who. Chad apologized again and told the guys they shouldn't worry about him, he'll keep his cool if they don't bother him. Something tells me, that apology won't last long.

JoJo arrived at the house, Chad greeted her, and they walked out to the pool. They all got into their bathing suits and started drinking. It was a good time for a long time several of the guys commented. Evan dove into the pool and he got a nose bleed. JoJo joked that Chad gave Evan the bloody nose and Evan seemed pretty embarrassed.

She got some alone time with Jordan and they just have an obvious chemistry. He talked about how happy he was to see her on the group date and she revealed that she really likes him. JoJo told him that she wants to know more about him, but admitted that there is something about him that makes her nervous. She told him that he's too smooth and great and it might be too good to be true. Jordan tried to reassure her that it isn't an act, that he is actually developing feelings for her.

JoJo made connections with Robby, and a few of the other guys. She noted that she doesn't see the negative side of Chad that had been mentioned to her. She asked him why he would say "Seriously" about Evan getting the group date rose and that made her upset. He said that he sees himself as the opposite of Evan. Guess who showed up? Evan! He was there to interrupt Chad's time. What on earth, that guy has a death wish! I'm even annoyed by him at this point.

Chad overheard Derek talking about the security guard and then spotted Derek kissing JoJo. Chad confronted Derek about how he was talking to JoJo about him. Chad wandered outside the house to sit alone while everyone else, including JoJo; listened to Chris Harrison give instructions about how there would be no cocktail party later.

Chad came back into the house and confronted Derek. He asked him about why he brought him up and Derek said that JoJo brought it up. Then Chad started making fun of him and saying that he's in love with JoJo even though he doesn't know her and she's probably the most beautiful girl he's ever seen. Derek said as a matter of fact, she is the most beautiful girl I've ever seen! Chad told Derek to stop talking about him, and Derek said if JoJo asks him, he will say that Chad told him not to talk about it. Then, Chad stormed off.

Then it was time for the rose ceremony! In addition to Chase, Evan, and James T, JoJo gave roses to:

1) Grant

2) Derek

3) Jordan

4) Luke

5) Robby

6) Wells

7) James F.

8) Vinny

9) Daniel

10) Alex

11) Chad

No!!! Now Nick, Ali, and Christian, seemingly all great guys were eliminated. Why didn't those guys warn her on the way out? I feel like knowing they had nothing to gain by it at that point, a warning right then and there would have been something for her to think about.

Now they are hitting the road and they are headed to a mystery location. They will not be back to the mansion for the rest of the show. They all ended up traveling to the Laurel Highlands of Southwestern, Pennsylvania. The first date card arrived and it said, "Luke, I like you very much." Luke and JoJo started their date on a dog sled and they were pulled to a wood fire hot tub! Luke had to chop the wood to keep the heat going. Luke was almost moved to tears when talking about how he missed her and hated not having a date with her the previous week. JoJo was having a great time, but she feels like he still is hiding part of himself from her.

Another date card arrived at the hotel and it read, "Derek, James T., Daniel, Chase, Wells, Vinny, James F., Evan, Grant, Jordan, Robby, we could go all the way." Chad and Alex did not get chosen, so would be going on the 2-on-1 date.

During dinner, Luke told JoJo about how he left school, joined the military, and had a very stressful job as a platoon leader. He said a guy who was like an older brother to him was killed in action in Afghanistan and it made him reflect on his own life. He said he had to relearn how to connect to his emotions again. He said he's emotional by nature, but he had to turn that off when he went to war. JoJo's heart just melted when he talked about how her eyes could be the eyes he could be looking into for the rest of his life. With that, she gave him the date rose! How could she not?! If that wasn't enough, they then headed to a Dan + Shay concert where they slow danced and kissed on a pedestal.

The group date was up next. They met up with Ben Roethlisberger, Hines Ward and Brett Keisel at Heinz Field to play some football. The guys split into two teams and the team that lost would have to leave the date while the other guys got to continue on with JoJo for the evening portion.

At the hotel, Chad confronted Alex and called him "the spokesman" for the rest of the house and said that he's the only reason the other guys don't like him. Yeah, ok.

The game on the group date was supposed to start; there were an odd number of guys so Jordan was the quarterback for both teams. So that means he can't lose! It also took away the unfair advantage that a team would have by having Jordan to themselves since he played football professionally. Jordan said that he was playing really well and he hoped that JoJo was impressed by it. Evan meantime, got another bloody nose! He hid it well though. Derek intercepted the ball for the very injured blue team and somehow the underdogs won! I mean, James T. had blood dripping off of his head the entire time and he really needed to get some stitches!

During the "winners" party, Robby and JoJo made more of a connection. They marveled at the progress they've had in a relationship despite not having a one-on-one. She promised him that they would have time together and to not lose hope. He said that he's feeling like he's falling in love with her. They made out on a pool table.

Meantime, JoJo and Jordan had a talk about how he's not vocal enough about his feelings. She told him that he's hard to read. With that, Jordan took her out for a walk and he told her that he's falling for her and he sees her as someone that he can fall in love with. They kissed by a waterfall and she said that he was so sensitive and soft and she just loved it. It made her feel fantastic! They went inside and sat back inside with the rest of the guys and she had to handout the group date rose. She gave it to Jordan! Robby was crushed.

The date card for the 2-on-1 arrived and it read, "Chad, Alex, let's get lost. Into the wood your path goes, only one rose, one stays, one goes." Then Chad asked the guys who had a problem with him and half the guys raised their hands. Then Alex told him that he's a "piece of *expletive*" again and Grant jumped in and called Chad a coward. They were like, "let's go, let's go," and Wells jumped in and told the guys to calm down. Chad got up and stormed away again.

The guys were all talking about the big 2-on-1 and then Chad started threatening Jordan because he was sitting there smiling! He said that he will come and find him at home! What is wrong with him?! I pray Chad is gone after this date. This is the worst. Chad returned and sat behind the group of guys on the couch to stare at them all! They all sat there in silence for what seemed like an eternity. Then Alex got up, Chad got up, and they left for their date.

Alex and Chad boarded a helicopter and headed off to meet JoJo. She handed the guys some book bags and they headed off for a hike in the woods. They were walking with hatchets...really? You're going to give Chad weapons now? They encountered a river so they put down blankets at the edge and after some awkward small talk, JoJo asked Alex to go off for a walk. Alex asked her what was on her mind and she started asking him about Chad. He told her what happened with Jordan and she was shocked. She called their conversation "eye-opening".

JoJo then asked Chad to go talk. She talked to him about the things she really likes about him, but then addressed her concerns. She talked about the threats and how he threatened to find Jordan after the show. He told her that he's not aggressive and that Jordan was threatened so that he would leave him alone. JoJo told him that she's disappointed in him and she walked away to think by herself for a bit. She was very frustrated. She said that she feels bad that Chad's mom just died six months ago and she thinks maybe he's just struggling with that.

Alex and Chad argued about what Alex said to JoJo and then JoJo returned and sat between them to give her decision. She asked him about the Jordan thing, and Chad's defense is that he's always backed into a corner and he has no other option. JoJo told him that the threats of violence were unacceptable and that she was going to say goodbye to him. She and Alex walked off together hand in hand, and Chad said that he felt like he was being pranked. When the producer came in and removed Chad's suitcase from the house, the rest of the guys cheered! Chad went off and said that he thinks that she's an actress because he "knows" how JoJo felt about him. He thinks that Alex lied and now he wants to go find Alex. Why did they not fly that guy out of there immediately? They showed Alex and JoJo having a great time having wine and kissing as Chad creepily whistled and was walking around. Chad went back to the hotel! Yikes!

We've got a week off due to the NBA Finals, so we now have to wait an excruciatingly long two weeks to find out what happens!

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