City to demonstrate new streetlights in 7 neighborhoods

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Monday, December 12, 2016

CHICAGO (WLS) -- Mayor Rahm Emanuel is flipping the switch on new street lights in Chicago.

Seven neighborhoods from across the city have been selected for a demonstration of the Chicago Smart Lighting Project. Each neighborhood will get new lighting on one arterial street, one residential block and one alley.

The mayor will kick off the demonstration Monday afternoon.

Over the next four years, 270,000 outdated lamps will be replaced with modern, energy-efficient LED lights. The city said that the new streetlights will last two to three times longer and will automatically notify the city when one goes out.

For more information and to provide feedback, visit

In Rogers Park, the new street lights will go up along Touhy Avenue from Paulina Street to Ashland Avenue, along Paulina from Touhy to Chase avenues and an alley from Ashland to Paulina between Touhy and Chase avenues.

In the North Park neighborhood, the lights are located along North Jersey Avenue from Bryn Mawr to Hollywood Avenues, along Hollywood from North Jersey to Spaulding avenues and in the alley from Bryn Mawr to Hollywood between North Jersey and Spaulding avenues.

In the Humboldt Park neighborhood, the lights are located along Hamlin Avenue from Augusta Boulevard to Iowa Street, along Augusta from Hamlin to Lawndale avenues and in the alley from Augusta to Iowa between Hamlin and Ridgeway avenues.

In the Back of the Yards neighborhoods, the lights are located along Wood Street from 46th to 47th streets, along 46th Street from Wood Street to Wolcott Avenue and in the alley running south from 46th between Wood and Honore streets.

In the South Shore neighborhood, the lights are located on 73rd Street from Bennett to Euclid avenues, along Bennett from 73rd to 74th streets and in the alley from 73rd to 74th between Bennett and Euclid.

In the Roseland neighborhood, the lights are located along State Street from 107th to 108th streets, along 107th from State to Michigan Avenue and in the alley from 107th to 108th between State and Lafayette Avenue.

In the Morgan Park neighborhood, the lights are located on Longwood Drive from 115th to 116th Streets, along 115th from Longwood to the railroad tracks and in the alley from 115th to 116th between Wood Street and Hale Avenue

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