Chuks Onyezia, Candidate for 18th Ward Alderman

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Sunday, February 1, 2015

Candidate Full Name: Chuks Onyezia

Office: 18th Ward Alderman

Email Address:

Web Site:

Campaign Name: Committee to elect Chuks Onyezia

Campaign Office Mailing Address: 8310 South Kedzie Ave. Chicago IL 60652

Phone: 773-999-9818

Survey Questions (Character limit of 2,000 per response)

1. What is the most important issue that you will address in your ward?

My highest priority is to create and provide an environment and opportunities for our ward's youth and young adults similar to what I had growing up. I believe that creating this environment will have transformative affects that will carry over in reducing crime, increasing employment, and growing a stronger community. We fear our young people and blame them for crime without providing a true environment that they may be productive, develop, and thrive.

2. What are your plans for helping fight crime in your ward?

In our community, we would greatly benefit from a stable deployment of Beat officers. As our community becomes more familiar with the officers that are assigned to protect us, our community can begin to form trust in those officers and a trust for the system. That familiarity will result in better lines of communication between community and police. In efforts to improve public safety, I have founded and publish a monthly community newspaper that is distributed to over 13,000 homes and businesses in the 18th ward ( This paper features the community at large and highlights its offerings. We also include a crime section that notifies residents of area crime stats, community alerts, suspect sketches, and the times and dates of our local CAPS beat meetings.

3. What, if any, city assets would you consider privatizing to raise money?

I would not look to privatization to raise money. Privatization allows for a reduced or, in some cases, an eliminated control of city assets and services that threaten future policy and governance.

4. Do you support or oppose the vote to increase the minimum wage in several steps to $13 an hour by 2019?

I support the increase in the minimum wage, however I would like for it to go a step further and increase the wage higher and without incremental steps. This would allow for a clearer understanding in budgeting to future employers. The increase is definitely a step in the right direction based on Chicago's cost of living but it's still not enough for a hard working family to live off of without assistance.

5. Are you in favor of Chicago's Red Light Camera program?

No, The influx of red Light and speed cameras has become an insult to the residents of our city. There advent was presented under the fear of public safety, but it is noticeably clear that revenue was the first priority. As a lawyer I believe in the right to face your accuser rather then relying on a machine to articulate individual circumstances. For a true increase in public safety, the cameras should be used as a deterrent rather then punitive. To achieve this, the cameras should be reduced in number by removing them from areas and placed in areas to accomplish clear safety goals.

Chuks Onyezia

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