Chicago doctor discusses colonoscopy procedure, questions about colon cancer screening

What is colon cancer? Actor Chadwick Boseman drew attention to disease in young people

ByABC7 Chicago Digital Team WLS logo
Thursday, March 31, 2022
What is a colonoscopy? Chicago doctor answers common questions
A Chicago doctor discussed the colonoscopy procedure and answered questions about colon cancer screening Thursday.

CHICAGO (WLS) -- It's the end of Colon Cancer Awareness Month.

And Dr. Andrew Albert joined ABC7 Chicago Thursday morning to talk about the importance of colonoscopies.

He's the medical director of Digestive Health at Advocate Illinois Masonic Hospital.

Colon cancer is one of the most preventable cancers; yet, it's the third leading cause of cancer-related death.

RELATED: Our Chicago: Colon cancer survivor and researcher talk signs, symptoms and screenings

Actor Chadwick Boseman, who died at 43 from the disease, drew attention to colon cancer in younger people.

Albert said younger individuals getting this form of cancer is part of a larger public health issue experts are looking into.

Everyone should talk to his or her doctor about when to get checked.