INCREDIBLE IMAGES: Thousands of golden rays surround boat

Sunday, September 21, 2014
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INCREDIBLE IMAGES: Thousands of golden rays surround boatSandra Critelli was on a boat in the Gulf of Mexico that found itself surrounded by thousands of cownose rays.
Sandra Critelli

Sandra Critelli was on a boat in the Gulf of Mexico that found itself surrounded by thousands of cownose rays. She captured the incredible event with her camera and the images are incredible.

Critelli was in Mexico for a whale shark expedition in 2007. She spent several days snorkling with the giant creatures, as well as dolphins and manta rays. Critelli had seen several schools of cow nose rays during the trip but nothing like what she encountered on the last day of her trip.

Critelli was at the bow of the boat when she says suddenly they were surrounded by more rays than she had even seen before. The boat's captain turned in the direction of the rays and cut the engine and Critelli says they sat in silence on the ocean, watching the incredible display of nature before them.

"They covered every square inch of the water surface around us; we could not spot even a tiny patch of open water," Critelli said.

The 2,000 rays surrounded the boat for 15-20 minutes, according to Critelli, before continuing their journey.

Cownose rays are also called golden rays because of their yellow tint.