Would you try a dollar store steak?

Wednesday, July 22, 2015
Would you try a dollar store steak?
The Dollar Tree now sells ribeyes you can grill up for just $1

HOUSTON -- When we saw ribeye steaks for sale at the Dollar Tree, we knew we had to do a Stretch Your Dollar story on them.

It sounds to be good to be true, but the store's latest craze has the Internet sizzling with reviews.

The frozen, boneless beef steaks come pre-seasoned in a brine. Workers say they cannot keep them in stock, but how do they taste?

With $10 in hand, we took two thrifty shoppers to pick up some dinner and put them to the test!

One thing we noticed right away is that at 3.5 ounces, the ribeyes are very thin and get even thinner on the grill. But the steaks are good for portion control or for those cooking for one or two people.

"I live alone so this is perfect. You can make a meal with two little packs, a dollar each," one tester told us.

Our tasters said they were a little chewy, but not bad for $1.

"I'm very shocked. It's better than I thought it would be, absolutely," one tester said.

Instead of serving them as steaks, our testers suggested using them in fajitas.

We had ABC-13's Chauncy Glover try a fajita made with the Dollar Tree ribeye on live TV. His response?

"My mom taught me if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all," he said. But then he went back for seconds.

The steaks are from the brand Stampede, which is also sold in other major retailers but in larger portions.

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