DUPAGE COUNTY, Ill. (WLS) -- The DuPage County Sheriff's Office continues to ask for the public's help identifying human remains found in Herrick Lake Forest preserve in April 2010, and have created a facial reconstruction to aid in that effort.
Officials say the remains are believed to belong to a Hispanic or Native American male between the ages of 45 and 65 who was missing numerous teeth including his two front upper teeth prior to his death. A grey sweatshirt with the words "Little Nicky" in red were also found with the remains.
The FACES Lab at Louisiana State University created a composite using facial reconstruction based on the man's skull.
Officials also said that over the course of their investigation detectives learned of the name Manuel Romero. The DuPage County Sheriff's Office is looking to speak with anyone familiar with or who has had contact with Romero. If you have any information, call 630-407-2333.