Jack White addresses leaked tour contract that includes prosciutto, guacamole demands

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Monday, February 16, 2015
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Jack White performs during Music Midtown 2014 at Piedmont Park
Photo by Katie Darby/Invision/AP

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WLS) -- Jack White's management says White loved playing at the University of Oklahoma recently. However, it says the student newspaper publishing the private tour rider was ''unfortunate, unprofessional and very unwelcoming.''

The Oklahoma Daily published details of White's backstage requirements, including high-quality prosciutto, a New York strip steak and guacamole made with a specific recipe, but absolutely no bananas.

His management says White does not write the rider or make demands, and the rider must cover the requirements of 30 crew members.

OUDaily Twitter

The managers deny reports they ever said White would never play at OU again, but they do say, "Now that it's out there, we recommend you try Lalo's guacamole recipe. It's delicious."

White responded to the newspaper's story with a post entitled "For God Sakes!"

"Anything on the rider is for the band and the crew. this "guacamole recipe" is my hilarious tour managers inside joke with the local promoters, it's his recipe, not mine. it's just something to break up the boredom, seeing who can make it best. though i wouldn't know because i've never had it. i can't even make kool aid let alone cook any real food enough to have a 'recipe.' sorry, i don't have that talent," White writes in the Third Man Records blog.

A video posted by Instagram user @snotexas from the night of Jack White's concert at OU. (WARNING: Graphic gesture)

White's is not the first leaked rider to include what some might consider exorbitant requests.

In 2010, the Smoking Gun reported Rihanna's "Last Girl on Earth" rider included demands for animal print rugs and pillows (no sequins), Archipelago Black Forest candles that cost $29 a pop, and six floor lamps with dimmers. The report also highlights Van Halen's infamous brown M&Ms rider, a contract that in 1982 stipulated a bowl of the candy be provided to the band with all the brown ones removed.

"it's just some food and drinks backstage for the hundred workers and guests who have to live in a concrete bunker for 15 hours. some people bring their own living rooms on tour, some people ask for a huge spread. who cares? what you're looking for is someone throwing a tantrum because they didn't get their brown m and m's, sorry to disappoint," White writes.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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