Javier Salas, Candidate for U.S. House of Representatives IL, 4th Congressional District

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Monday, February 15, 2016

Candidate Full Name: Javier Salas

Office: U.S. House of Representatives IL, 4th Congressional District

Party: Democrat

Email Address: jsalas.illinois4@gmail.com

Web Site: www.javiersalasforcongress.info

Campaign Name: Javier Salas for Congress

Campaign Office Mailing Address: P.O. Box 18438 Chicago, IL 60618

Phone: (312) 813-9105

Survey Questions (Character limit of 2,000 per response)

1. Please tell us about yourself, your background and why you believe you are qualified to hold this office.

I have been a community leader, radio personality, and passionate advocate for working families. I helped organized immigration marches in 2006 and 2007 to defeat Representative Sensenbrenner's plan to criminalize immigrants in the U.S. On my radio show, I initiated the fight to bring the spotlight to Dreamers' rights and worked to provide undocumented people in Illinois the opportunity to obtain a driver's license. As an advisor to Governor Quinn, I recommended the best ways to implement plans and programs to benefit hard working families and immigrant communities, such as expanded job opportunities, affordable health care, quality and bilingual education. My constituency should vote for me because when I am in Congress, I will work across party lines and will do my best to stop the bitter partisan politics. I will get to work on improving the economy and lifting wages for every day, hard-working families. People in our 4th District want change and a fresh approach by their representative and that will be me. I will bring renewed energy and focus to fight for the issues that matter to the families of the 4th district because they matter to my family too.

2. With this being a presidential election year, who would you like to be elected President and why?

I would like to support the Democratic candidate that supports real change to help the middle and lower classes who have seen stagnant wages, rising debt and loss of education. I have long admired Hillary Clinton for her intelligence and drive toward public service. However, I think that Bernie Sanders is touching a nerve with the underrepresented and I think his positions fall in line more with the voters of the 4th District.

3. The fight against ISIS is on everyone's mind, especially after the terrorist attacks in Paris and San Bernardino. What would your plan be in the fight against ISIS and for the national security of the U.S?

American lives should be protected and our counterterrorism work needs to be a priority for Congress. In order to prevent future attacks we need to act with immediacy at home. The U.S. government needs to intensify efforts to combat terrorist threats. Using San Bernardino as an example, U.S. authorities believed the suspects were radicalized; we need to determine how, when and where. I support President Obama's call to Congress to pass legislation to address terrorist threats by passing a bill that would block individuals who are on a government no-fly list from purchasing guns and states need to follow to ensure this is in enforced. When I am in Congress I will continue to support this. National Security should be a bipartisan issue. We need to reassure the American people that we are doing everything possible to prevent another San Bernardino tragedy.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation and counterterrorism officials are hunting for people with ties to the Islamic State and I will ensure that counterterrorism efforts are properly funded. I believe we need to identify, monitor, and combat people in the U.S. pledging allegiance to the Islamic State. Many of these people are being influenced by social-media campaigns and videos that could convince someone to launch a domestic attack. American agencies also need better funding to track terrorist activity on the "dark web". President Obama has mostly relied on airstrikes in Syria and Iraq to avoid having American and other western nations' troops on the ground and I believe that is the right strategy for the time being.

4. Do you support a federal assault weapons ban? Why or why not? What other federal gun control measures would you support?

Yes I do support a ban on assault weapons. I respect the constitution and the second amendment but it is imperative that American families feel safe in their communities. The most important thing that Congress can do is to make this a bipartisan issue. By working together realistic change can be made. Congress needs to pass a bill to have comprehensive background checks and have thorough gun safety training, as well as finding ways to combat illegal gun trafficking and working with local law enforcement to get those weapons off of the street. Over 90% of Americans believe in these types of background checks. No one knows that better than the people in my district.

5. What are your thoughts on what has been done so far with immigration reform?

We have to face the reality that there is a large population of immigrants that are already in our country. Walls, harsh policies, and hate rhetoric have never kept people from seeking better opportunities, from China to Australia, Africa to Germany or from Guatemala to the US. I will fight for comprehensive immigration reform that includes a legalization program for unauthorized immigrants and that enables a future flow of legal workers that will result in an economic boost. I oppose inhumane deportation programs. The government is spending $ 2 billion a year on detention centers or $120 a day per person of hard earned taxpayer dollars. Mass deportations cost over $10,000 per person. This money could be allocated to resolve the U.S. debt or address other problems that are facing our nation.

Over half of Americans believe in a sensible pathway to citizenship for those without a criminal background. When I am your congressman, I am planning to address the causes that drive people from their homelands and draw them to seek better lives elsewhere. As an immigrant, I understand the necessity and desire of a better life in a better country. We need to do all of this, and at the same time, reinforce the security against drug trafficking and terrorism. On the state level, I will look into ways to adopt a guest workers' visa program for Illinois and a paying option for undocumented immigrant into our health exchange.

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