Marcus Lewis, Candidate for U.S. Representative, 2nd District

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Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Candidate Full Name: Marcus Lewis

Office: U.S. Representative, 2nd District

Party: Democratic

Email Address:

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Campaign Name: Marcus Lewis For Congress

Mailing Address: 3146 Holden Circle

Matteson, Illinois 60443

Phone: 708-287-7531

Survey Questions (Character limit of 2,000 per response)

1. Please tell us about yourself, your background and why you believe you are qualified to hold this office.

I was born to Anna & Martin Luther Lewis on December 27th, 1958 at Provident Hospital in Chicago. I grew up in a loving single parent home because my father had fallen off a step-ladder hanging drapes he had made for the dining room. My dad was paralyzed from the neck down. The doctors found he had cancer as well. He lived for three weeks and passed away in July of 1959. I and my twin brother, Martin, were only 7 months old.

My mother carried on with the help of her mother to raise us, never marrying again.

I told my beloved late mother in 1983, after participating in Harold Washington's Successful Mayoral Campaign Victory, "Momma, what if I ran for Congress?" And before I could finish the word 'Congress' she said, "I'll walk the streets for you to help you get elected".

I have lived a working man's life, but opportunities were available, not like in today's economy.

My first job at age 14 paid $1.65 an hour. I was cutting weeds in vacant lots for Mayor Daley's Summer Youth Program. By the way, it was federally funded and was hard work but rewarding, and I gained experience because I took pride in knowing it had to be done and I earned my way. In 1977, I graduated from De La Salle Institute (High School), and upon graduation, I earned a select spot to become a "First Intern" at 1st National Bank of Chicago (Now called Chase). This was a federally funded program to assist young people's entry into the area of corporate banking. This is where I learned about banking, and received a scholarship to become a manager after graduation from DePaul University where I majored in Business Management and Banking. After 2 years, my career interests changed and I left both DePaul and 1st National.

I was employed as a Hotel House Cleaning Supervisor at the Hyatt Regency Chicago. Next I was employed as a proxy for an investment firm. Also I was a Baggage Handler for American Airlines for 5 years (1984 to 1989), where I invented the now widely used 'Baggage Canvas Tractor Door' which saved airlines millions in vital replacement and repair costs.

I was a 4th generation farmer in Munfordville, Kentucky. Our 44 acre farm was in the family since March 15, 1932 until December 7, 2007. I understand trying to hold on to precious land when outsiders use pressure tactics to swipe it out from you.

In 1999, I was ordained a minister in the Apostolic faith.

For almost 17 years I was employed at the United States Postal Service in Carol Stream, Illinois as a Mail Handler repairing mail in the Nixie "WE CARE" Unit. I was discharged from the Postal Service on May 16th, 2014 because I chose to run for Congress.

I want every child to have an equal opportunity for a quality education, a good job, and a bright future.

Let me begin by saying, " I am unbought, unbossed, and unapologetic about the concerns of the masses of residents that have suffered through neglect, corruption, lies, and outright deceit. This district is a precious jewel that was abused and abandoned must be rehabilitated.

After seeing our district in such disarray from a 'rudderless' district rep who is "bought & paid for" by outside forces, and her lack of attention to pressing issues bombarding the constituency, I have the call on my life to now run and win back the People's Seat of the 2nd Congressional District Of Illinois.

We can't take any more of this 'celebrity politician' such as we have now. We Can Do Better and We Will Do Better by "Changing Course" and voting for me on March 15th. I will be your Servant and Champion. My aim is to push to fulfill the needs and aspirations we have, and deserve, from Congress. I believe, We The People, must have Justice & Fairness in order to live in harmony with each other. I will fight for these basic principles that All people desire, everywhere.

2. With this being a presidential election year, who would you like to be elected President and why?

I want to see Bernie Sanders to be the next President of the United States. He focuses on what the real problem is and that is the Top 1% are buying our government. Sanders is the modern-day FDR. This country would be foolish not to elect him as the 45th President.

3. The fight against ISIS is on everyone's mind, especially after the terrorist attacks in Paris and San Bernardino. What would your plan be in the fight against ISIS and for the national security of the U.S?

I will defend this country against enemies foreign & domestic.

4. Do you support a federal assault weapons ban? Why or why not?

YES!! This is madness to sell 'Military-style' weapons to civilians. A bill that will enforce that I will sponsor /co-sponsor.

5. What are your thoughts on what has been done so far with immigration reform?

It is pure silliness and waste of time not to pass and sign into law the "DREAM ACT".

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