Michael LaFargue, Candidate for 9th Ward Alderman

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Sunday, February 1, 2015

Candidate Full Name: Michael LaFargue

Office: 9th Ward Alderman

Survey Questions (Character limit of 2,000 per response)

1. What is the most important issue that you will address in your ward?

In 2014 Roseland was reported and Chicago 8th most deadly of Chicago's 77 communities.

Crime (Violent, Property and Quality of Life Crime) is the most important issue in our community. It must be addressed through:


Homicide, Robbery, Sexual Assault - 17th out of 77 6am and 4pm


Theft, Burglary, Arson - 27th out of 77 communities (Peak Hours 11am thru noon 5pm thru 9pm)

Quality of Life Crime:

Criminal Damage, Narcotics and Prostitution - 11th out of 77 Communities - (Peak Hours 5pm to 9pm)

  • Jobs growth /Economic Development
  • Education Job and Career training for Work Force Capacity
  • Improved City Services
  • Involvement the constituents in the decision making process.

    2. What are your plans for helping fight crime in your ward?

  • Jobs and Economic Development (Red Line Extension Business Development around each station, community parity jobs.)
  • We need more programs targeted for youth and teens that can provide recreation, study and/or develop useable skills (ideas easily accessible satellite Youth Caf/Clubs Friday-night youth clubs to be set up in 50 of the most deprived areas. For gathering, arts training, job training... along 95th , 103, South Michigan Avenue)
  • Share more information on the who, what, when and where of crime
  • Organize More Block Clubs
  • Improve community policing with foot/bike/pedway patrols, enhancing relationships between the schools and police, and increasing the size of the police force.
  • 1. Anonymous evidence Elderly and disabled crime victims - as well as people at risk of reprisals - should be allowed to give evidence in court from behind screens.

    2. Rebrand community service to Community Pay Back

    3. Cash for high-crime areas The Government should give cash direct to communities hit by crime.

    4. Increased police presence for enforcement community presence

    5. Community PEACE MAKER-fighters A "community crime fighters" squad should be set up to involve the public.

    6. Aldermanic and Church Community Walks

    3. What, if any, city assets would you consider privatizing to raise money?

    At one point the public sector was to serve where the private sector could not do well the public sector would with is scarce resource work socio-pareto optimality. Now it seems the public sector want to have the private sector work in its behalf. But this concept has become a form of political patronage.

    I can support some privatization not affecting union jobs if there transparency and accountability ordinance I stand with the Better Government Association and Progressive Democrats on this matter.

    For example CIT (Chicago Infrastructure Trust) should be accountable to the city's residents as well as all P3 projects, the companies that are awarded the contracts , financial institutions , Infrastructure Investment firms partners and private firms that make up the financing for these projects.

    Recently, the City Council voted to incorporate a department that independently researches and reports to alderman, the short term gains vs. the long term impact of projects that are being proposed for some of these sweetheart deals. When the service provider can be agreed upon this would be a valuable service to the elected officials and should also be shared with the public, upon request.

    4. Do you support or oppose the vote to increase the minimum wage in several steps to $13 an hour by 2019?

    Yes I do support the $13 increase because it is a step in right direction. However, I believe $15 per hour by 2019 would have been a better goal.

    5. Are you in favor of Chicago's Red Light Camera program?

    We were lied to about the intended purpose of preventing accidents is minimal.

    Scandal Plagued

  • Redflex Traffic Systems bribed a city official w $100,000s
  • The new service provider has been caught shaving time from the yellow light
  • T-Bone Accidents where down by 15% and Rear End Accidents increased 22% (Net Increase in accidents)
  • The bulk of money goes to the Red Light companies
  • Some say the cameras are disproportionately placed, primarily in minority communities. 99th and Halsted Street is the most profitable camera in the system.
  • Finally there is a question about Red Light Camera and Due Process Promised by the U.S. Constitution
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