Teacher accused of sex with 13-year-old allegedly violated bond

Wednesday, August 3, 2016
Accused teacher

HOUSTON -- A teacher accused of having a sexual relationship with her 13-year-old student was back in court Wednesday morning.

Alexandria Vera is accused of violating a condition of her bond - failing to comply with her curfew. Documents show she was due home at 8 p.m. on July 26 and was 46 minutes late returning home. Documents show she has not violated the term that prohibits her from seeing the student.

Her bond conditions include not communicating directly or indirectly in any manner with the student, except through lawyers or the court, threatening or harassing the student, visiting the residence of the student within 200 feet or going near the student's school, nor any school. Additionally, she may not have contact with any child under 17 years old, except her daughter and brother. She is also not permitted use the internet, except for work use. Vera is required to use a GPS monitor and remain in her home from 8 p.m. until 7 a.m. each day.

RELATED: Family of teacher accused of relationship with student: "It was very shocking"

Vera taught at Stovall Middle School, where she says she met the student in the summer of 2015.

Vera is accused of having a continuous sexual relationship with the student. In fact, according to court documents, Vera became pregnant with the boy's baby.

She says she terminated the pregnancy once Child Protective Services started questioning her about the relationship.

Court records say Vera said the boy's parents were accepting of the relationship, even inviting her to family gatherings. Court documents also say the two had an ongoing relationship, having sex almost daily.

The boy would reportedly stay the night at Vera's home, and then she would take him to catch the bus the next morning.

Vera is charged with continuous sexual abuse of a child. If convicted, she faces up to life in prison.

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