Free rides offered after 4 attacks near Midlothian Metra station

Evelyn Holmes Image
Monday, August 11, 2014
4 Midlothian attacks linked, police say
Midlothian officials are offering free rides home from the Metra station after four women were attacked in the area.

MIDLOTHIAN, Ill. (WLS) -- Midlothian police say four recent attacks on women at or near the town's Metra station are apparently related.

"My fiance's going to wait up for me and meet me outside and make sure I get in the garage safely until this guy is caught," Pamela Bruck said.

Midlothian Police Chief Harold Kaufman said more officers have been deployed in the area.

"Be aware of your surroundings. Obviously, I'd prefer nobody be walking along right now, at night, especially. Keep your eyes and ears open. If you see anything, suspect anything call us immediately," Chief Kaufman said.

Investigators said the man has attacked between midnight and 1 a.m. He's dressed in dark clothing and wears a mask and hood, officials said. That makes a description hard. But detectives are analyzing DNA evidence.

"We didn't hear anything until the third attack," Tim Kryza, resident, said. "And that was just through people talking."

In the latest attack, a woman was robbed walking home from the Metra station around midnight Sunday near 145 th Street and Trumball Avenue.

"Someone just ran up behind her, grabbed her purse, knocked her down and hit her in the face and ran off," Sara Judd, the victim's daughter, said.

The other attacks were on July 20, July 29 and August 4.

Midlothian officials are offering rides from the Metra station.

"They are actually up at the Metra station and will offer anyone who needs a ride home. We're just trying to help out anyway we can that way," Midlothian Mayor Sharon Rybak said.

The free rides are available from early evening until early morning.

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