Instead of resolution for New Year's 2021, pick a theme, lifestyle expert says

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Sunday, January 2, 2022
Instead of New Year's resolution, pick a theme, lifestyle expert says
Maisha Wynn said her theme for the new year is to be intentional.

CHICAGO (WLS) -- January symbolizes a fresh start: It's that time of year when many take a rain check on their self-indulgences like what they normally eat, drink and do in order to look and feel their best.

This year, lifestyle specialist and author Maisha Wynn wants you to choose a theme for this new season. Choosing a theme gives your life power and purpose. For Wynn it's being intentional.

RELATED: 2021 New Year's resolutions: Think smaller, work slowly, cut yourself slack, experts say

Wynn said being intentional is not about pressure filled, statistic-bound, "do all the things" goal setting. It is rather about bringing out the best of who you already are.

It is about intentionally cultivating your life. On Sunday, she shared some ways you can start retooling your thinking and living.

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