City Council approves park land transfer for Obama presidential library

Tanja Babich Image
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
City Council to vote on land transfer for Obama library
City Council is expected to approve a conditional park land transfer for the Barack Obama Presidential Library.

WASHINGTON (WLS) -- City Council approved a conditional land transfer for the Barack Obama Presidential Library Wednesday.

Mayor Rahm Emanuel introduced the measure, which would transfer parcels of park land to the city if the Barack Obama Foundation selects one of the University of Chicago sites for the president's library.

This followed a series of public hearings hosted by the Chicago Park District to survey popular opinion about the impact of a land transfer.

Many park neighbors said they hope construction of a presidential library in their neighborhood would provide a much-needed economic boost. Others said the land could be put to better use if, for example, a hospital were constructed to serve the south side instead.

City Council's approval of the land transfer removes one obstacle for the UChicago proposal, which is considered by some to be a front-runner. The university has two proposed sites, in Jackson Park and Washington Park, in the running.

The University of Illinois at Chicago also submitted a proposal for the presidential library on several acres of unoccupied land on the West Side.

Columbia University in New York and the University of Hawaii are also contenders.

President Barack Obama said he wants his library in Chicago. He made the comments during a dinner at The Gridiron Club in Washington, D.C.

The Chicago Tribune reports the president said, "I hope it goes to Chicago," and then went on to mention "some entanglements" that could present problems.

The president said he will not make a decision until after Chicago's runoff election for mayor on April 7.