CHICAGO (WLS) -- Love is in the air, and ABC7 Chicago is kicking off a new segment, "Love Bytes."
It's your go-to for all things dating leading up to Valentine's Day.
This week, ABC7 is talking about shifting your mindset for success in love with Bela Gandhi, the founder of the Smart Dating Academy.
She said psychotic optimism is your new mindset: "Love will come to me."
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It's a when not an if, she said. If you're in a negative place, you won't notice good people that are interested in you, she said.
Do a structured self-reflection. Go person by person, and write out what drew you to them, what worked, what didn't, what was their responsibility and what was yours.
Do 360 feedback with your village. Have a friend collect and analyze feedback from your friends as to "why you're still single."
Next week, Love Bytes will cover red flags.