Trump supporters reflect on his first 100 days in office

Friday, April 28, 2017
Trump supporters reflect on his first 100 days in office
Just before President Trump's inauguration, we interviewed a group of Illinois Republicans. We checked back in with them to see if the president's first several months in office altered any opinions.

CHICAGO (WLS) -- Just before President Trump's inauguration, ABC 7 interviewed a group of Illinois Republicans, a solid block of red in this very blue state.

With the 100-day mark coming on Saturday, we checked back in to see if the president's first several months in office altered any opinions.

Small business owners, politicians, an attorney and a retired guidance counselor. They have different professions, but are of one mind when it comes to how Donald Trump has done so far as president.

"He's supporting our police officers, supporting our veterans," said Tim Schneider.

"He's taken on winning for this country," said Madelyn, a Trump supporter.

"Think he's done everything in his power to fulfill his promises," said Audry Tancos.

"I'm still 100 percent behind him," said Lori Yokoyama

They give him high marks for getting Neil Gorsuch, on the U.S. Supreme Court and they like his foreign policy moves and response to terrorism.

"We now have a strong president who is willing to throw down the gauntlet," said Tim Schneider, Chairman of the Illinois Republican Party.

"He is responding quickly and definitively and just liked he promised in the election," said Trump supporter Mickey Straub.

On the election, what about the FBI investigation into Russian interference and ties to the Trump campaign?

"I think it serves as a distraction, they are trying to create something out of nothing," said Straub.

On the president's travel ban that's now stalled in the courts...

"Understand him, he is trying to protect this country, he's the president. That's his job," said Trump support Talat Rashid.

"I don't know why he is always being so criticized. What is wrong with the American public, per se, politicians, people in general? If somebody is trying to make your life better, don't you want to give him a chance?" said Trump support Audrey Tancos.

There is support for him shining a light on Chicago violence.

"It is worse than some of the places we read about in the Middle East where we have wars going on. It's so sad," said Donald Trump in February of this year.

"You have to accept there is a problem before you can solve the problem and I think that is what we are doing now, finally instead of hiding it under a rug," said Schneider.

The only area where the group expressed disappointment was regarding the Affordable Care Act.

"He hasn't been 100 percent successful on a repeal of the Affordable Care Act, but it is something he is trying to do, trying to achieve," said Trump supporter Lori Yokoyama.

As far as the president's tweets, there have been 460 of them since taking office. Some in the group say some of those tweets do make them cringe, but they think that Twitter is working for him because he gets his thoughts out unfiltered and cuts out the middleman.

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