Richard Wooten, Candidate for 6th Ward Alderman

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Sunday, February 1, 2015

[center][photo ID="485086" /][/center][br /][br /][br /][youtube ID="rgiviW2XKwQ" /][br /][br /][b]Candidate Full Name:[/b] Richard Wooten[br /][br /][b]Office:[/b] 6th Ward Alderman[br /][br /][b]Web Site:[/b] [url HREF="" TARGET="_blank" REL=""][/url][br /][br /][b]Survey Questions [/b](Character limit of 2,000 per response)[br /][br /][b]1. What is the most important issue that you will address in your ward?[/b][br /][br /]In the 6th Ward, unfortunately, violent crime is still the most important issue, followed by the lack of good paying jobs and then improving our local schools.[br /] [br /][b]2. What are your plans for helping fight crime in your ward? [/b][br /][br /]Any serious plan to fight crime in the 6th Ward must begin with the need for more police officers. In addition to more police officers, there are many other facets to solving this problem, including bringing more good jobs to the ward, meaningful summer programs and activities for young people to keep them off the street, improving the local schools, and finding ways for ex-offenders to find their way back into mainstream life. [br /][br /][b]3. What, if any, city assets would you consider privatizing to raise money? [/b][br /][br /]I am not for privatizing any more city assets. These programs have not ended well for the taxpayers. The only people who seem to benefit are the companies that obtain the city assets. [br /][br /][b]4. Do you support or oppose the vote to increase the minimum wage in several steps to $13 an hour by 2019? [/b][br /][br /]I would have voted yes on the recent City Council proposal to increase the minimum wage to $13 an hour by 2019. Working people cannot support a family on the current minimum wage. Still, we need to be mindful of the potential harm that comes to small businesses near the borders of Chicago. As the minimum wage increases to more than neighboring areas, we should look for ways to assist these small businesses.[br /][br /][b]5. Are you in favor of Chicago's Red Light Camera program? [/b][br /][br /]I would have voted no on the original proposal. Having said that, the City's original idea for the ticket camera program was for safety. We have moved pretty far afield from that idea now. I would be in favor of scaling the program back to the most dangerous intersections. I am also for an independent review of the entire program to find out if it has indeed improved safety.[br /][br /][b][center][url HREF="" TARGET="" REL=""]Click Here to return to the Online Candidates Forum Main Page[/url][/center][/b][br /][br /][photo ID="492004" /][/center][br /][br /][br /][center][url HREF="" TARGET="_blank" REL=""][photo ID="485110" /][/url][/center][br /][br /][br /]

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