Skokie approves Carvana tower near migratory bird path

ByRavi Baichwal and ABC7 Chicago Digital Team WLS logo
Tuesday, February 8, 2022
Skokie Village Board approves Carvana vending machine tower
A proposed Carvana vending machine tower has won approval of the Skokie Village Board amid concerns from some residents about its impact on a migratory bird path.

SKOKIE, Ill. (WLS) -- The Skokie Village Board has voted to allow a controversial new Carvana vending machine tower.

A meeting Monday night drew opponents to the plan.

The tower would be near Harms Woods nature preserve right there and what is considered a big migratory bird pathway. People here and through many parts of Skokie say that is not a good idea, especially as it shows disrespect to the Illinois Holocaust Museum just to the south.

Carvana said it will wrap the bottom 40% of the building in decals and film to decrease bird strikes, and they'll turn down the lights at night that would shine into the nature preserve and the 2,000-person Optima Woods condo complex to the south.

In a statement Carvana said it "has worked inclusively to address the concerns raised at our multiple Planning Commission hearings and the Appearance Commission hearing where we received a unanimous approval for our project."

Construction on the $10 million building is expected to begin soon.

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