Stuffed animal found hanging in family's backyard

Monday, July 4, 2016
Racial Initmidation
The Oakland County Sheriff's Office is investigating an incident of racial intimidation.

DETROIT, MI -- A stuffed animal was decapitated then hung from a tree in the backyard of a family's home in Michigan.

They told WXYZ that it's not the first time the family has felt they were being targeted because of their race in the two years they've owned home.

"I don't know who it is. I know some of the people are friendly and some of the people here are downright ignorant," says Jill Bryant.

Bryant is a real estate agent who sells homes in the area. The family lived in West Bloomfield before moving on the lake.

"We're African Americans and there's not many of us on this lake and, um, it's really gotten to be, not everyone, but there's a select few, that they don't want us out here."

Jill's husband, Edward, spent 37 years with the Detroit Police Department.

The Oakland County Sheriff's Office confirms they're investigating the incident. Bryant says it's the second call they've had to make to police since owning the home.