Supply chain concerns: How soon until we see staples on the shelves again?

ByTJ Holmes
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
How soon until we see staples on the shelves again?
Now to the household supply chain -- in addition to likely food shortages - other common items like toilet paper and cleaning products are scarce.

Common household items have been flying off store shelves during this coronavirus crisis and some of those shelves might be bare a while longer.

In addition to likely food shortages, other common items like toilet paper and cleaning products are scarce. Experts say some will be back soon but others could take a while.

Syracuse University Supply Chain Management Professor Patrick Penfield said that manufacturers are adjusting their strategies.

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"Panic buying is really what occurred. So people just bought in mass," Penfield said.

Cleaning supplies have been in high demand and at times, hard to come by as Americans try to protect themselves from COVID-19.

This has caused shortages for things like disinfectants and antibacterial wipes, which is now expected to continue well into the summer.

"Lysol, like a lot of manufacturers, they get ingredients from China and then China had some issues with regards to the coronavirus," Penfield said, "and so what we're seeing is this disruption that's happening throughout the supply chain."

However, Penfield said we can expect better luck this week with toilet paper and paper towels.

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Americans went on a panic buying spree as stay-at-home orders went into place, but a lot toilet paper is made right here in the U.S., and manufacturers ramped up production.

"We are producing and shipping Charmin at record high levels. Demand continues to outpace supply, but we are working diligently to get product to our retailers as fast as humanly possible so everyone can continue to Enjoy the Go," Charmin told ABC News.

Georgia Pacific, which produces Angel Soft, is now producing an 1.5 million more rolls per day. Kimberly Clark, the makers of Scott and Cottonelle, are also closely monitoring their supply levels and adjusting their supply chain strategy