JoJo's guys endure a second 2-on-1 date

ByJennifer Matarese WLS logo
Tuesday, June 28, 2016

NEW YORK -- This week "The Bachelorette" traveled to Buenos Aires, Argentina! Chris Harrison caught up with JoJo and she told him that Robby said that he loved her and it worries her because the last two men who told her that (Ben and her ex) let her down. When Chris met up with the men he dropped the bomb that there would be another two-on-one date this week in addition to a group date and one-on-one date! Wow, first time in "Bachelorette" history that there would be two two-on-one dates in one season. The first date card read "Wells, Besame, Besame Muchacho." Wells revealed to the guys that he hasn't kissed JoJo yet! The pressure is on!

JoJo dropped by the hotel to pick up Wells and the guys ribbed JoJo and asked them if they would kiss that day! She was clearly uncomfortable! Poor Wells was so nervous that his hands were shaking! This is a high-pressure kiss. They went exploring in Buenos Aires and went shopping in a marketplace. Then they went to see "Fuerza Bruta". Wells still thought it wasn't the right time to kiss her during the performance! What?! It was pretty romantic and dimly lit! They got a chance to try some of the performance techniques, and none of this seemed to get Wells' mojo going. He even gave her a kiss on the cheek at one point! They got to play in the suspended pool for the show and that was incredible! JoJo was laying all over him and he FINALLY went for it! JoJo cheered when it finally happened!

Later, Wells and JoJo went to dinner together to explore their newfound romance. Wells revealed that he has struggled with his idea of perfect person for him. JoJo said that he intrigues her. She asked him about his ex-girlfriend who he dated for four years. He said that they seemed like best friends living together rather than a romantic couple. That made JoJo's heart sink a little because she's been in that situation before. He seems to have a fear of the passion going away, and JoJo says that she wants the fairytale love. JoJo says that she thinks that everyone deserves to find that love. Wells was like, "That's what you are looking for?" Um yeah Wells, she wants a real, deep, passionate love! JoJo picked up the date rose and said that she respects the way he has approached the whole process but, there's something that didn't feel 100% like she wanted it to. She thinks that there just isn't enough time to get into it more. She doesn't think that he's the person she wants to spend the rest of her life with, so she told him that she's not able to give him the rose. Wells cried and he told her that she deserves to find true love and he hopes she finds it. They hugged and she walked him out.

The group date card arrived for "Luke, Robby, Jordan, James, and Alex, living la Vida Boca". That means that Chase and Derick go the dreaded two-on-one. The group dates are getting smaller! Aw, James feels like the other guys are very cool and super handsome and he feels like he "snuck on" this show. He's fantastic though! James needs to get some confidence! The group did some dancing and also played soccer with some locals. James made a goal during a challenge against the other guys! He apparently won a kiss he would cash in later.

Later, Luke and JoJo had a talk and she was all over him as he just spoke seriously to her about their relationship. Take a hint Luke, just go for the kiss! They did end up doing some passionate kissing, and JoJo says that she loved it. James decided to use his one-on-one time to talk about how he felt like Jordan acted "entitled" in the house because he decided to tell him the proper rules to a poker game they were all playing. If only she realized this guy has some confidence issues! They ended their talk together kissing. JoJo of course decided to talk to Jordan about what James said. He was shocked because he considered James a friend. He was really upset! He went back and fidgeted around and acted strange until he finally admitted to the group of guys what happened and James admitted what he said to JoJo. Jordan called him weak. JoJo decided to give the group date rose to Luke! She was all about him during their one-on-one time so I'm not surprised by that at all! Once that rose was given out, JoJo told the guys that they were all making her feel weird by the way they were acting.

The next day, it was time for the dreaded two-on-one date. Chase and Derek did a tango dance with JoJo and it was very awkward. The two-on-one dates are always terrible to watch. I think I'd rather go to the dentist.

Back at the hotel, Derek used his one-on-one time to tell JoJo how amazing she is and to tell her that he's falling for her! He said that he really does feel that way and she kissed him when he revealed his feelings. JoJo said that she was glad that he was expressing his true feelings.

JoJo told Chase that she has feelings for her and that she didn't feel like he gave her much back. She said that she likes him more than he likes her. Chase was flabbergasted. He had no clue she felt that way. She said that she needs some words of affirmation. He said it's new to him to express those feelings, but he did start feeling them very fast. Chase said that he came there for a reason, and that reason was her. In the end, she gave Chase the rose! What!? Poor Derek! He gave her the affirmation she was looking for and threw it back! It just proves that we all want that "hard to get" person and the thrill of the chase. Derek left and said to her, "Go find your forever". He cried as the limo drove away. He's a catch! I hope he ends up on "Bachelor in Paradise". A singer sang "Don't Cry for me Argentina" from "Evita" while Chase and JoJo danced in a ballroom with a group of strings playing. It cut back and forth to Derek crying in the limo, it was pretty sad. The music with him crying is just too much! Poor Derek!

It was time for the cocktail party before the rose ceremony. Jordan tried to repair what James said about him and he said that he wants to be in love and engaged and he thinks that they can get there. He said that he sees the person that he wants to fall in love with and is falling in love with. He said he wants to wake up to her every day. She said, "Finally you are talking about your feelings, this is different!" He promised to not let her down. Alex was worried that he doesn't have a strong enough foundation with her since he hasn't had a one-on-one yet, just the two-on-one with Chad. JoJo told him not to worry and that he isn't "behind". James told her that he's falling for her and he's letting himself go there. He is all in and hopes things are progressing.

Luke and Chase already have roses. She gave two more roses to Robby and Jordan. JoJo had one more rose to give out, but she freaked out and stepped out of the room. Chris Harrison asked her what was wrong. JoJo said she felt sick to her stomach. She said she didn't want to give the rose out. JoJo told James and Alex that she couldn't hand out the final rose, and then Chris Harrison walked in with two roses. She gave the last two roses to James and Alex. Alex felt like he got a "pity rose" and hopes he gets a one-on-one next time around.

Next week, it looks like there will be a lot of tears, and the guys up their game against each other!

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