CHICAGO (WLS) -- In a neighborhood that's undergoing gentrification, cultural celebrations bringing the community together take on greater importance.
"Today we are celebrating a special day for us Puerto Ricans," Keniel Cruz said.
Since 1995 the Puerto Rican Cultural Center has been sponsoring a Three Kings Day gathering in Humboldt Park for families.
"I like celebrating with my family and having fun," Kaelal Cruz said.
The holiday, also known as the Feast of the Epiphany, celebrates the biblical tale of the Three Wise Men who visited baby Jesus shortly after his birth.
"It is a very important day of celebrating Puerto Rican culture, but also the culture of Latin America. Every Latin American country has its own traditions of celebrating the Three Kings Day," Puerto Rican Cultural Center Executive Director José E. Lopez said.
The PRCC allowed kids to take home a wrapped gift and a bike of their choice.
"My mom told me it was a really small bike and cute bike," Kelimar Cruz said.
"We are getting presents and you know Jesus got presents too you know," Josiah Cuevas said.
In addition to helping out once again with the Humboldt Park celebration, the Latin American Motorcycle Association also host3: a Three Kings Day party at their clubhouse in Logan Square for the first time.
"I don't know what it's like at home with some of these kids, but they know they come here, they get something to eat. They get toys and they get welcomed in. You know hopefully in the future they can take this over. Maybe they will be riding one day and running this thing," Latin American Motorcycle Association Vice President Ed Gruba said.