Gravity workout

There are about 250 different exercises that can be preformed on the GRAVITY GTS. GRAVITY is usually done in 30 to 45 minute sessions in small groups with an instructor. Classes cost about $15 to $30 per session. The GRAVITY GTS machine can be used for group strength, Pilates, personal training or for post-rehabilitation purposes.

FEELING THE BURN: Firefighters at the Bernalillo County Fire Department in New Mexico know they're in top-top shape while they're fighting fires. The station purchased 10 GRAVITY GTS machines in 2005 and the firefighters have been training on them ever since. Because of the extra weight and stress firefighters carry around all day, it's important for them to be in tip top shape. Cardiovascular and strength fitness are very important when lugging more than 100 pounds of equipment through an inferno. The GRAVITY GTS equipment works for the BCFD team because they can get a good workout without wasting any time moving weights on and off the machines. BCFD firefighter Tony Pittarelli likes the workout plans because they keep his body limber and ready to face any situation. "The more movement, the more range and training of other muscles, the less prone we are to injury," Pittarelli told Ivanhoe. And injury-free firefighters mean lives are being saved.

DEFY GRAVITY ON YOUR OWN: There are several popular exercises you can do at home that utilize gravity and body weight to tone muscles.

  • Squats: This leg and glut-shaping move can be done without weights. Fast paced frequent repetitions will produce maximum results.
  • Push-ups: This classic move builds upper body muscles with one fluid movement. Modifications can be made for different fitness levels. If a traditional push-up is too hard, try resting your knees on the ground while you push-up.
  • Pull-ups: Also known as chin-ups. You will need a bar to perform this move.
  • Sit-ups: Lifting your body from the core will shape mid-section muscles. There are many popular modifications to this exercise like crunches and side sit-ups.
  • Lunges: Walking lunges are a great way to tone legs without using a machine.
  • Tuck-jump: This move can be done by jumping vertically into the air and pulling your knees up to your chest while you're in the air.
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