Depp movie seeks local extras

The 1930's period film called "Public Enemies" has already started filming in Wisconsin. However, when film crews get to Aurora, they need more extras. All of those roles are non-speaking.

The extras have to fit with the period clothing.

The Details:

Men who want to join the cast must be under 6'1" inches tall and have long hair.

Women must be under 5'8" and no larger than a size 12.

People of all ages will be considered.

For more information visit Click on the "Public Enemies" icon on the left of the website.

On Wednesday, Crown Point, Indiana was in the depths of Depp-mania. Johnny Depp is making a movie about 1930's gangster John Dillinger and it's being shot right where it all happened 74 years ago. For the last several days the place has been Depp-utized, turned into a Hollywood movie set. From early morning to late at night thousands of Johnny Depp fans have lined up to get quick glimpses of the big time star. It's not easy to see him in action, but late Tuesday night he talked to fans.

"Well, I said hi and he said hi and then, cause my uncle Jerry wanted to say hi, so I told him hi," said Megan Krol, 11-year-old Johnny Depp fan.

The movie "Public Enemies" is about how John Dillinger escaped the Lake County Jail even when it was surrounded by National Guard troops. Most locals are eating it all up but not Crown Point lawyer Irene Gasparis. Her business has been blocked by the movie.

"They can't get in. We've been blocked on all sides," said Gasparis.

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