Wall Street exec., author Gordon Murray dies at 60

BURLINGAME, Calif. (AP) - January 17, 2011

Murray died at his Burlingame home on Saturday, said publicist Jennifer Musico. He was diagnosed with glioblastoma, a type of brain cancer, in 2008.

After a recurrence of the disease last year, he declined all further treatment and began writing "The Investment Answer" with co-author and financial adviser Daniel Goldie.

The pair self-published the primer on financial investing in August, and it became a best-seller after an article about Murray appeared in The New York Times in November.

The book's official website describes it as a straightforward guide that will benefit individual investors, rather than the financial industry giants that employed Murray for more than 25 years.

A native of Baltimore, Murray rose from Goldman Sachs bond salesman to managing director for Lehman Brothers and Credit Suisse First Boston. He retired in 2001 and became a consultant for Dimensional Fund Advisors, an investment management firm.

"The Investment Answer" was acquired by Business Plus and will be published in hardcover on Jan. 25.

In a statement Monday, Business Plus publisher Rick Wolff said Murray's "inspirational spirit and legacy will live on in his honest and forthright book."

Murray is survived by his wife, Randi, and two sons, Ben and Sam.

Before he died, Murray requested that no memorial service or funeral be held for him, Musico said. In lieu of flowers, the family asked that donations be made to the UCSF Foundation, the Cal Parents Fund or the Fibrolamellar Cancer Foundation.

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