Serbian show dog ran around O'Hare for two days

December 22, 2012 (CHICAGO)

Mark Szarkowtz drove to O'Hare from Wisconsin with his aunt to pick up her new dog 'Queen.' When they let her outdoors for a bit, she slipped out of her collar and took off.

Police were finally able to catch the dog Saturday.

"There was a lot of people that helped and I appreciate it," Szarkowtz said. "Especially from my aunt's point of view. It's her dog, she paid a lot of money for it."

"The Chicago Department of Aviation (CDA) congratulates the CPD and USDA Wildlife Services at O'Hare for their diligent efforts to find the dog and safely reunite it with its owners, making everyone's holidays even brighter," Chicago Department of Aviation Commissioner Rosemarie Andolino said in a press release.

'Queen' was a little dehydrated and had some cuts to her paws but a vet gave her fluids and she's expected to be okay.

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