Pope John Paul II's miracles in France, Costa Rica

April 24, 2014 (ROME)

Vatican criteria for the status requires two miracles, and Pope John Paul II's two miracles come from Costa Rica and France. Thousands of others were submitted for consideration, as well, officials said.

Sister Marie Simon Pierre, 47, prayed to Pope John Paul II in July 2005 after she lot mobility due to Parkinson's disease, the same affliction that took the pope's life two years earlier. She prayed in a chapel after she found she could not move her legs. The next morning, she woke up in perfect health, she said.

"It was a miracle. It was a great surprise for our church," David Roussy, Archdiocese Southern France, said.

Sister Marie works at a hospital tending babies. She has been medically certified as clear of Parkinson's.

In the second miracle, Floribeth Mora Diaz, 48, prayed in May 2011 for relief from a rampaging brain aneurysm. She was told she had only days to live, but said she heard a clear voice from a picture near her bed telling her to "get up and don't have any fear," she said through a translator.

Diaz walked out the door.

"She's perfect," a hospital worker said, also through a translator. "It was a miracle by John Paul."

Church officials flew Diaz to Rome to be checked out by their doctors. Both Diaz and Sister Marie's recoveries were certified as "sudden, complete, permanent and inexplicable," which is the Vatican's definition of a miracle.

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