WINDSOR, Calif. -- For the past 12 years, the quaint town of Windsor, California has hosted the Charlie Brown Christmas Tree Grove, a bright and festive event highlighting 205 individually decorated Christmas trees.
"Windsor at Christmas time is a winter wonderland," town council member Deborah Fudge shares. "We've got the music and the trees and the children laughing," Mayor Dominic Foppoli adds.
The tree grove event celebrates Christmas and community. "These trees are bought by individuals, by classrooms and by groups and the money all goes to nonprofits in Windsor," Fudge explains. "This event means a great deal to Windsor and there was no way, even with COVID, we couldn't at least put something on."
With social distancing and other safety protocols in effect, People4Parks, the Windsor parks and recreation foundation, re-designed this year's event to ensure that the town's holiday celebration endured. "It gives everyone a reason to get together and really just be happy because I feel that there's not a lot of that in the world right now," Gateway 4H president Alexis Biasotti reveals. "I can see it going on forever and ever and just being a special thing," Co-vice president of People4Parks Tina Castelli adds.
For more information on the event, visit here.