New Chicago Archbishop Blase Cupich to live in Holy Name Rectory

Future of historic State Street mansion uncertain

ByRoss Weidner, ABC7 I-Team WLS logo
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
(FILE) Bishop Blase Cupich, of Spokane, Wash., on June 15, 2011.
Ted S. Warren-AP

Incoming Chicago Archbishop Blase Cupich will live in the rectory of Holy Name Cathedral when he moves to Chicago next month, Archdiocese officials confirmed Wednesday.

Archbishop Cupich will not live in the historic Gold Coast mansion that has been the home of all of Chicago's Archbishops since its construction in 1885. Archdiocese officials say that in making his decision, Archbishop Cupich considered the historical significance of the State Street mansion famous for its 19 chimneys and the "sacrifice and financial commitment of Archdiocesan Catholics" who made the preservation and utilization of the residence possible. However, Archbishop Cupich is choosing the Holy Name rectory and will live in the former quarters of longtime Holy Name Pastor Bishop Timothy Lyne. According to an Archdiocesan press release, the new Archbishop wanted a place to live where "he could be most effective in serving all the people in the Archdiocese of Chicago" while having easy access to the city and his office. Archbishop Cupich also plans to say daily mass at Holy Name Cathedral when his schedule permits.

The Gold Coast residence will continue to be used in the coming year for events and to host guests for the Archdiocese while a committee is established to study how best to use the historic residence. Archdiocese officials add that Archbishop Cupich made his decision after consulting with Francis Cardinal George, the Pastor of Holy Name Cathedral, and several Chicago priests.

Cardinal George also plans to live in the Holy Name complex after his retirement next month. He's moving into a three room suite at Casa Jesus, a residence for Spanish and Polish seminarians.

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