Sue the T. Rex undergoes CT scan

ByMeghan Kluth WLS logo
Tuesday, February 19, 2019
Sue the T. Rex undergoes CT scan at Field Museum
A group of researchers from Berlin removed leg and arm bones from Sue the T. Rex to perform CT scans.

CHICAGO (WLS) -- A group of researchers from Berlin got a closer look at Sue the T-Rex. They removed leg and arm bones from the Field Museum's prehistoric attraction to perform CT scans.

Life as a carnivore came with its downsides. Sue had to fight for their life and his or her body took a beating. Today, scientists are still trying to figure out exactly what injuries and diseases this fierce predator sustained via CT scans.

"CT scanning the technology is getting better and better, finer and finer details; these bones have been CT scanned before but we're looking forward to doing it with modern CT scan technology, so hopefully we can get a better look inside the cellular detail," said Bill Simpson, head of museums geology collections.

For the researchers though, it was about how this technology could help improve the lives of humans.

"What will potentially be helpful for humans we may get some insight about the pathologies of a million years ago and it's also very important to study the diseases to maybe develop new techniques to diagnose," said Berlin researcher, Charlie Hamm.

We can see Sue in the bones upstairs at the Field Museum in the Griffin Halls of Evolving Planet.

"We're try to explain Sue and Sue's world what the creations of North America was like back 67 million years ago," Simpson said.

And the exhibit is just as popular as ever with the younger generations.

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