Little girl goes on unicorn adventure with help of Make-A-Wish

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Thursday, September 11, 2014
Addison and her unicorn, Princess Sparkles.
Kevin Lubera

Six-year-old Addison had always wanted to meet a unicorn, but there was just one problem -- Addison lives and Georgia and she believes that unicorns live in the rain forests of Hawaii. But thanks to the Make-A-Wish Foundation, the little girl's dream came true this week when she traveled to Oahu for her own personal fairy tale.

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Traveling to Hawaii is the second most common request for the organization, according to Make-A-Wish Hawaii, but Addison's dream of meeting a pink unicorn provided a unique twist that would require the help of some additional players.

"When I heard the details of Addison's wish, my first impression was one of amazement," actor and writer Alvin Chan said. He helped develop a storyline that would take Addison on an adventure requiring her to find the sweetest fruit and the prettiest flower before singing a song to release the unicorn and rescuing a kidnapped queen.

Addison has been battling leukemia, but is now in remission.

"It's just really touching to see the lengths that everybody has gone through to make her day so memorable," Addison's mom Danielle said.

After spending a day as a magical princess and completing her quest, Addison said, "It was happily ever after."

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