Ginger Zee takes down troll on Facebook

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Saturday, August 30, 2014
(Facebook/Ginger Zee)
Facebook/Ginger Zee-WLS

CHICAGO (WLS) -- Good Morning America's Ginger Zee took down a troll on social media after he tried to insult her on Facebook.

Facebook user Brian Rice posted that Zee was "the most ugly weather girl" he'd seen on TV. Zee quickly corrected him, pointing out that she was in fact the ugliest METEOROLOGIST he'd ever seen.

"Call me ugly all you want," Zee posted on Facebook with a screenshot of the conversation. "But don't disrespect me by calling me that other nasty term! I studied too hard and chased too many storms to be called that."

Zee's Facebook page quickly filled up with supporters praising her for her skill, wit and of course her stunning good looks.